Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
ISSN 1819-9496 (Print) | ISSN 2500-0136 (Online)


The journal "Siberian Medical Review" uses the Vancouver citation style (in the list of references citations are numbered not in alphabetical order, but as far as they are mentioned in the text, regardless of the language on which the work is given). The text refers to the ordinal number of the cited work in square brackets [1] or [1, 2]. Each citation in the list – should be from a new line. All documents referred to in the text should be included in the list of references.

Do not allowed to refer to papers that are not included in the list of references, and vice versa, to unpublished papers. Do not allowed to refer to unpublished, retracted (withdrawn from the printing) articles. Self-citation is not permissible, except the cases when it is necessary (in the review of the literature, no more than 3 to 5 references). Do not allowed to refer to the dissertations, as well as the abstracts of dissertations, it is more correct to refer to the articles published on the basis of dissertational research.

Documents (Orders, GOSTs, Health Regulations, Methodological Guidelines, Regulations, Resolutions, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules, Norms, Federal Laws) should be indicated not in the lists of literature, but in footnotes in the text. In the bibliographic description the names of ALL authors are given.

All Russian-language sources of literature should be presented in a transliterated version according to the sample below. It is necessary to include DOI in the bibliographic descriptions in the lists of literature.
The index should be searched in the Crossref database.
Taking into account the requirements of international citation systems, bibliographic lists are included in the English-language article block and, accordingly, should be given not only in the original language, but also in Latin (Roman alphabet). Therefore, the authors of the articles should give a list of literature in two versions: one in the original language (Russian-language sources in Cyrillic, English-language - Latin), and as a separate block the same list of literature (References) in the Roman alphabet for international databases.
Transliteration of Russian-language sources using official encodings is given in the following order: the authors and the name of the journal are transliterated by the Latin alphabet, and the title of the article is a semantic transliteration (translated into English). The source name is shown in italics.
The technology of preparing the citation using the automatic transliteration system and the translator:

- on the site one can use the program of transliteration of the Russian text into the Latin alphabet.
- it is necessary to choose the BGN transliteration system (Board of Geographic Names); in the special field the text of the bibliography is entered, except for the title of the book or article, in Russian and the "translit" button is pressed.
- at the end of the reference in parentheses is indicated (in Russian).

ATTENTION! From the first issue of 2018, the Siberian Medical Review journal introduces a variant of the preparation in a single “Reference” united links to Russian-language sources, consisting of a description in Cyrillic (in the original language) and in Latin (according to the presentation rules). The English-language part of the bibliographic description of the reference should be directly after the Russian-language part in square brackets ([...]). At the end of the bibliographic description (behind the square bracket), doi articles are placed, if any. At the very end of the English-language part of the bibliographic description, reference to the original publication language (In Russian) is placed in the parentheses.
The links to foreign sources remain unchanged.
For example:

  1. Матюшин АА, Хугаева ОВ, Барышникова МА, Краснюк ИИ, Барышников АЮ. Получение и изучение анти-CD20 иммунолипосом митоксантрона in vitro. Российский биотерапевтический журнал. 2014;3(13):15-24. [Matyushin AA, Khugaeva OV, Baryshnikova MA, Krasnyuk II, Baryshnikov AYu. Preparation and study of anti-CD20 immunoliposomes of mitoxantrone in vitro. Russian Journal of Biotherapy. 2014;3(13):15-24. (In Russian)]
  2. Князев РА, Трифонова НВ, Колпаков АР, Поляков ЛМ. Исследование способности аполипопротеина А-I в комплексе с актиномицином Д оказывать кардиотоксическое действие на изолированное сердце крысы. Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия. 2016;20(4):88-95. [Knyazev RA, Trifonova NV, Kolpakov AR, Polyakov LM. Investigation of the ability of apolipoprotein A-I in the complex with actinomycin D to have cardiotoxic effect on an isolated rat heart. Circulation Pathology and Cardiac Surgery. 2016;20(4):88-95. (In Russian)] DOI: 10.21688-1681-3472-2016-4-88-95

The list of references should correspond to the format recommended by the National Information Standards Organisation – NISO, accepted by National Library of Medicine (NLM) for databases (Library’s MEDLINE/PubMed database) NLM: http://www.

The names of periodicals should be given in full form.

The full name of the foreign journal one can be found on NLM Catalog: Journals referenced in the NCBI Databases and Index Medicuss.

The list of references is made in accordance with international standards to improve the "visibility" and "accessibility" of the journal to the world scientific community and conform to the formats used in global citation indexes.

The heading "References" is located in the center of the page and is printed in lower case semi-bold 12 pt.

Examples of reference design:
Journal Articles
In the bibliographic description the names of ALL authors are given.
The names of periodicals should be given in full form, in italics.
In the title of the journals in English, each word should be written with a capital letter

  1. Руф РР. Роль воспаления в развитии атеросклероза и сердечно-сосудистых событий. Сибирское медицинское обозрение. 2015;6:23-9. [Ruf RR. The role of inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events. Siberian Medical Review. 2015;6:23-9. (In Russian)]
  2. Бывальцев ВА, Степанов ИА, Белых ЕГ, Яруллина АИ. Роль опухолевых стволовых клеток в развитии глиом головного мозга. Сибирское медицинское обозрение. 2015;6:5-14. [Byvaltsev VA, Stepanov IA, Belykh EG, Yarullina AI. The role of tumor stem cells in the development of cerebral gliomas. Siberian Medical Review. 2015;6:5-14. (In Russian)]
  3. Манчуров ВН, Рязанкина НБ, Резцов РЮ, Скрыпник ДВ, Васильева ЕЮ, Шпектор АВ. Влияние отдаленного ишемического пре- и посткондиционирования на кровоток в инфарктсвязанной артерии и функцию эндотелия у больных инфарктом миокарда с подъемом сегмента ST. Кардиология. 2016;56(1):6-11. [Manchurov VN, Ryazankina NB, Reztsov RYu, Skrypnik DV, Vasilieva EYu, Shpektor AV. Effect of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning and Postconditioning on Blood Flow in the Infarct-Related Artery and Endothelial Function in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Kardiologiya. 2016;56(1):6-11. (In Russian).] DOI:10.18565/cardio.2016.1.6-11

Description of the monographic edition

  1. Crossman AR, Neary D. Neuroanatomy : an Illustrated Colour Text. [S. l.] : Elsevier; 2015. 192 p.
  2. Шляхто ЕВ, Конради АО, Цырлин ВА. Вегетативная нервная система и артериальная гипертензия. СПб. : Медицинское издательство; 2008. 200 с. [Shlyakhto EV, Konradi AO, Tsyrlin VA. The autonomic nervous system and hypertension. SPb. : Meditsinskoe izdatel'stvo; 2008. 200 р. (In Russian)]

Description of the monographic edition under the editor
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, editors. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Philadelphia : Saunders Elsevier; 2015. 1391 p.

Citing a chapter in a book
Nichols W.W., O'Rourke M.F. Aging, high blood pressure and disease in humans. In: Arnold E, ed. McDonald's Blood Flow in Arteries: Theoretical, Experimental and Clinical Principles. 3rd ed. London ; Melbourne ; Auckland : Lea and Febiger; 1990:398-420.

Citing a chapter of the Russian-language book
Диагностика и лечение хронической сердечной недостаточности. В кн: Национальные клинические рекомендации. 4 е издание. М. : Силицея-Полиграф; 2011: 203-96. [Diagnostics and treatment of chronic heart failure. In. National clinical guidelines. 4th ed. Moscow: Silicea-Poligraf; 2011:203-93. (In Russian)]

Citing a Web Reference
Филиппова ОН, Рахманов РС. Оценка связи между работоспособностью спортсменов и витаминно-минеральной насыщенностью организма. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2014;6. Ссылка активна на 10.06.2017. [Filippova ON, Rakhmanov RS. Evaluation of connection between exercise performance of sportsmen and vitamin-mineral deficiency in human organism. Modern Problems of Science and Education. 2014;6 Accessed June 10, 2017. (in Russian)]

Legal materials (it is allowed to quote only if publicly available on the Internet)
Приказ Минздравсоцразвития РФ от 16 февраля 2009 г. № 46н «Об утверждении перечня производств, профессий и должностей, работа в которых дает право на бесплатное получение лечебно-профилактического питания в связи с особо вредными условиями труда, рационов лечебно-профилактического питания, норм бесплатной выдачи витаминных препаратов и правил бесплатной выдачи лечебно-профилактического питания». Ссылка активна на 21.11.2017. [Order of Minzdravsotsrazvitiya RF dd. 16 February 2009. № 46n «On approval of list of productions, occupations and positions, in which workers have right on gratuitous medicinal-preventive nutrition due to extreme hazardous working conditions, medicinal-preventive food al-lowances, standards of gratuitous vitamin administration and rules on gratuitous medicinal-preventive nutrition». Accessed November 11, 2017. (in Russian)]

Patents(citation is allowed only if publicly available on the Internet)
Патент РФ на изобретение № 2545091/ 27.03.2015. Бюл. № 9. Штиль АА, Глазунова ВА, Лаврикова ТИ, Халявина ЮГ, Горностаев ЛМ. 1-R-4,9-диоксо-1H-нафто[2,3-d][1,2,3]триазол-4-оксим-2-оксиды и их производные, обладающие цитотоксической активностью. Ссылка активна на 21.11.2017 [Patent RU № 2545091/March 27, 2017. Bull. № 9. Shtil’ AA, Glazunova VA, Lavrikova TI, Khalyavina YuG, Gornostaev LM. 1-R-4,9-dioxo-1H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,2,3]triazole-4-oxime-2-oxides and its derivatives possessing cytotoxic activity. Accessed November 21, 2017. (in Russian)].

The author (s) are responsible for the correctness of the data given in the literature list.
A short guide to working with the Mendeley program in Russian. To create a list of references using the bibliographic editor Mendeley in * .doc, download the plugin (exe).
A short guide to working with the EndNote program in Russian. To create a bibliography using EndNote bibliographic editor in * .doc, download the plugin (exe).
Methods for creating a list of literature on a given style (Academic Medicine) in EndNote:

References from the Web of Science.

  1. Register in the Web of Science,
  2. Find the necessary articles by selecting: All databases,
  3. Tick all selected articles,
  4. Select the field: Save to EndNote online,
  5. In the field that appears, mark: Content of record → author, title, source, click: Send,
  6. Go to EndNote online, insert My References, folder Unfiled (unlisted articles from Web of Science). Select all the necessary articles.
  7. Login to the tab Format → Bibliography →
  8. In the References field, select the Unfiled folder
  9. In the field Bibliographic style select bibliography style Academic Medicine,
  10. In the field File format select file format : RTF (rich text file),
  11. Click Save (save the file in Word),
  12. Open a formatted bibliography, copy it and paste it into the Bibliography field.

List of literature from the electronic catalogs of libraries.

  1. The Collect tab,
  2. From the library directory Online Search choose the necessary library for searching literature: (for example, Russian State Library),
  3. Connect (make selection of descriptions from the electronic catalog),
  4. Save data in the folder Unfiled EndNote online.
  5. Select all the necessary articles.
  6. In the References field, select the Unfiled folder
  7. In the Bibliographic style field, select the bibliography style Academic Medicine,
  8. In the File format field, select the file format: RTF (rich text file),
  9. Click Save (save the file to Word),
  10. Open a formatted list of references,
  11. Copy it and paste into the References field

Create your own list of references.

  1. Tab Collect → New Reference enter the data in the fields for each description of the link, save the data in the folder Unfiled EndNote online,
  2. Select all the necessary articles,
  3. In the field References select the folder Unfiled,
  4. In the field Bibliographic style select bibliography style Academic Medicine,
  5. In the field File format select the format of file: RTF (rich text file),
  6. Click Save (save the file in Word),
  7. Open a formatted list of references,
  8. Copy it and paste into the References List.

Creating citation in the text of the article with the help of EndNote online.

  1. Download plugin for bibliographic editor Mendeley or EndNote,
  2. Install the plugin on your computer,
  3. Ensure that a bibliographic editor tab Mendeley or EndNote appears in the text file of your article, go into it.
  4. Enter your login and password from the bibliographic editor,
  5. Place the cursor on the points in the text, in which you need to put citations,
  6. Click References to select the desired folder in the bibliographic editor,
  7. Select the desired items from the list, save by specifying the style Academic Medicine.