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Сибирское Медицинское Обозрение. 2021. № 1 View full text Количество просмотров : 9624Jebzeeva E.Y., Mironova E.V., Krotkova I.F., De V.A., Ostroumova O.D. Myocardial injury in coronavirus infection combined with lung, skin and kidney lesions: clinical case and literature review Pages: 5-12 Jebzeeva EYu, Mironova EV, Krotkova IF, De VA, Ostroumova OD. Myocardial injury in coronavirus infection combined with lung, skin and kidney
lesions: clinical case and literature review. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):5-12. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2020-6-5-12 Authors Jebzeeva Elizaveta Yu ; Cand.Med.Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; Mironova Elena V ; Cand.Med.Sci., Head of the cardiology department of the Russian Railways Medicine; Krotkova Irina F ; Cand.Med.Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; De Valeria A ; Resident of the Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; Ostroumova Olga D Dr.Med.Sci., Professor; Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; Annotation Th e most common clinical manifestation of new coronavirus infection is bilateral pneumonia. At the same time, COVID-19 has a wide range of cardiovascular complications, with the development of acute heart failure, arrhythmias, acute coronary syndrome, and myocarditis. Myocardial injury is relatively common in COVID-19, accounting 7-23 % of cases. The presented clinical case describes a 56-year-old patient with a confi rmed coronavirus infection. Th e peculiarity of this clinical case is that it is the first report on COVID-19 with systemic manifestations: lungs, heart, kidneys and skin lesions. It should be noted that despite viral pneumonia typical for COVID-19, clinical picture and severity of the patient’s condition were determined by the developed myocardial injury. Th e presented clinical case is specific due to skin lesions. Keywords: coronavirus infection, coronavirus-2, clinical case, myocardial injury, skin lesion Comments Visits: 6200 Grudina K.I., Demko I.V., Solovjeva I.A., Kraposhina A.Y., Putintseva I.V., Pesegova M.V. Pathophysiological aspects of “vicious circle” formation in case of liver cells damage and cirrhosis development Pages: 13-19 Grudina KI, Demko IV, Putintseva IV, Pesegova MV, Solov’eva IА, Kraposhina АY. Pathophysiological aspects of “vicious circle” formation in case of liver cells damage and cirrhosis development. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):13-19. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-13-19 Authors Grudina Karina I ; graduate student, assistant of the Department of internal medicine № 2, Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Demko Irina Vladimirovna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases N 2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1; e-mail: demko64@ Solovjeva Irina Anatolyevna Cand.Med.Sc, Assistant, Department of Internal Diseases N2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kraposhina Angelina Yurievna Cand.Med.Sc, Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases N 2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Putintseva Inna V ; Cand. Med. Sci., assistant of the Department of internal medicine № 2, Professor V. F. Voino-YasenetskyKrasnoyarsk State Medical University; Pesegova Marina V ; Cand. Med. Sci., head of the Department of gastroenterology, Regional clinical hospital; Annotation This review highlights fundamental knowledge about the processes within a damaged liver cell, mechanisms of fi bro- and angiogenesis, as well as hypoxia and hypoxemia. Th e causes and consequences of endothelial dysfunction, the role of cytokines in vascular remodeling and the formation of hemodynamic disorders are described. Th ese changes lead to disorder of local and systemic hemodynamics in case of liver cirrhosis. Such complications as: hepatopulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary hypertension are also described. Keywords: liver cirrhosis, fi brogenesis, endothelial dysfunction, portal hypertension, angiogenesis, endotoxemia Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6196 Shevchenko K.V., Shimansky V.N., Tanyashin S.V., Kolycheva M.V., Poshataev V.K., Karnaukhov V.V., Solozhentseva K.D., Afandiev R.M. Adult idiopathic hydrocephalus: current state of the problem Pages: 20-33 Shevchenko KV, Shimansky VN, Tanyashin SV, Kolycheva MV, Poshataev VK, Karnaukhov VV, Solozhentseva KD, Afandiev RM. Adult idiopathic hydrocephalus: current state of the problem. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):20-33. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-20-33 Authors Shevchenko Kirill V. ; Academician N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery; Shimansky Vadim N. ; Academician N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery; Tanyashin Sergey V. ; Academician N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery; Kolycheva Maria V ; Cand.Med.Sci., neurologist, N.N. Burdenko National medical research center of neurosurgery; Poshataev Vladimir K. ; Academician N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery; Karnaukhov Vasily V. ; Academician N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery; Solozhentseva Kristina D. ; resident, N.N. Burdenko National medical research center of neurosurgery; Afandiev Ramin Malik Ogly ; resident, N.N. Burdenko National medical research center of neurosurgery; Annotation The term "idiopathic hydrocephalus" in adults is a broader concept that includes larger spectrum of patients compared to "idiopathic normotensive hydrocephalus". It includes both young and elderly patients with various forms of the disease, patients with various levels of obstruction. Th ere is no general classifi cation and general approach to treat patients with such a pathology. Endoscopic triventriculostomy in idiopathic aqueductal stenosis and cerebrospinal fluid shunting aft er a positive test of cerebrospinal fl uid (tap test) evacuation in idiopathic normotensive hydrocephalus are proved to be eff ective. In patients with other forms of cerebrospinal fluid pathway obstruction, treatment approach is represented by the opinions of some surgeons. At the same time, most surgeons consider the use of cerebrospinal fl uid shunting operations to be eff ective and justified, and they use endoscopic techniques as an option for examining ventricular system and for performing auxiliary manipulations. The high frequency of various complications of bypass surgery and slightly lower efficiency of endoscopic operations indicates the need to systematize patients; to improve selection criteria and to expand the indications for the use of endoscopic surgical techniques. Keywords: adult hydrocephalus, idiopathic hydrocephalus, stenosis of Monro’s foramen, aqueductal stenosis, Magendie’s foramen, cisternae of posterior cranial fossa base, normotensive hydrocephalus, endoscopic triventriculostomy, cerebrospinal fluid shunt surgery, cerebrospinal fluid. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6195 Malkov А.B., Kondrat’ev S.N. Video analysis of spine biomechanics as an objective method of functional diagnostics Pages: 34-48 Malkov AB, Kondrat’ev SN. Video analysis of spine biomechanics as an objective method of functional diagnostics. Siberian Medical Review. 2021;
(1):34-48. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-34-48 Authors Malkov Аleksej B Cand.Med.Sci, sports medicine doctor; the Federal Siberian Research Clinical Centre under the Federal Medical Biological Agency; Kondrat’ev Stanislav N ; technical specialist of motion capture systems, the Federal Siberian Research Clinical Centre under the Federal Medical Biological Agency; Annotation Th e present scientifi c review of medical and technical literature presents the attempt to assess modern technological stage of spine biomechanical hardware diagnostics in terms of its objectivity, as well as diagnostic and prognostic value on the example of etiopathogenesis analysis of spine degenerative-dystrophic diseases. A set of structural and extra vertebral factors contributing to the onset and progression of spine degenerative-dystrophic diseases was identifi ed to determine diagnostic and prognostic value studying particular literature sources, which use empirical and mathematical research methods. Central indicator value of intersegmental compression-distractive kinetics and loads shift s related to these factors was also determined. When considering the objectivity of spine biomechanics video analysis, the reliability of kinetics and spinal motion segments kinematics was separately assessed. Furthermore, impropriety of the latter was established in terms of reliability and repeatability of diagnostic results. Only vertical force indicator is valid in kinetics, reflecting intersegmental compression load, due to the suffi cient objectivity and weak dependence of its values on the type of computer mathematical models used by commercial systems of video motion analysis. Walking is optimal motional act for calculating vertical force by modern optoelectronic soft ware and hardware systems. Keywords: optoelectronic systems for movements video analysis, spinal motion segment, spine biomechanics, spine degenerative-dystrophic diseases, kinetics, kinematics, diagnostic power, diagnostic and prognostic value. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6196 Koshel’ A.P., Drozdov E.S., Topolnitskiy E.B., Klokov S.S., Dibina T.V., Zarubin V.V. Significance of sarcopenia in the development of postoperative complications in patients aft er pancreas resection Pages: 49-57 Koshel AP, Drozdov ES, Topolnitskiy EB, Klokov SS, Dibina TV, Zarubin VV. Signifi cance of sarcopenia in the development of postoperative
complications in patients aft er pancreas resection. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):49-57. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-49-57 Authors Koshel’ Andrey Petrovich ; City Clinical Hospital №3 by B.I. Alperovich: Siberian State Medical University;; Томск, ул. Нахимова, 3; Московский тракт, 2; тел.: +7(382)2414785; e-mail: Drozdov Eugeny S oncologist; Tomsk Regional Oncology Hospital; Topolnitskiy Evgeniy B ; Dr.Med.Sci., Professor, Siberian State Medical University; Klokov Sergey Sergeyevich ; The Medical Center of G. K. Zherlov; Siberian State Medical University; Томская обл., г. Северск, переулок Чекист, 3; Томск, Московский тракт, 2; тел.: +7(382)2414785; e-mail: Dibina Tatyana V Cand.Med.Sci.; The medical center of G. K. Zherlov; Zarubin Vladislav V ; radiologist, Emergency Hospital; address: Russian Federation; Annotation The aim of the research. To evaluate the eff ect of sarcopenia on the incidence of postoperative complications in patients who underwent resection interventions on the pancreas, as well as the development of a simple clinical diagnosis of sarcopenia. Material and methods. Th e study included 109 patients, including 59 (54.1 %) men and 50 (45.9 %) women. All patients included in the study were operated on with subsequent morphological examination of the removed preparations. Diagnosis of the presence of sarcopenia in a patient was carried out using computed tomography (CT) and calculating the musculoskeletal index. Also, all patients underwent calculation of the psoas major muscle index (IBPM) equal to the ratio of the area of the psoas major muscle on one side to the square of the patient’s height. Th e patients were divided into two groups. The control group (68 patients) included patients without sarcopenia. The main group consisted of 41 patients who were diagnosed with sarcopenia. Results. Among patients in the compared groups, there were no statistically signifi cant diff erences in age, sex, ASA score and body mass index. Th ere was no statistically signifi cant diff erence in the incidence of major complications (Clavien-Dindo III / IV) (p = 0.2), however, the incidence of postoperative infectious complications was signifi cantly higher in patients from the study group compared to the control group (63.4 % versus 39.7 %, respectively, p = 0.01), as well as the incidence of postoperative clinically signifi cant pancreatic fi stulas (36.6 % versus 17.6 %, respectively, p = 0.02), as well as mortality (9.8 % versus 1.5 %, respectively, p = 0.04). The average postoperative bed-day was 19.9±7.8 days in the main group, 14.2±5.1 days in the control group (p = 0.03). According to the study, the value of IBP in the diagnosis of sarcopenia is < 3,5 сm2 /м2 (AUC – 0,83) for men and < 2,7 сm2 /м2 (AUC – 0,87) for women. Conclusion. Sarcopenia is associated with a higher incidence of postoperative infectious complications, clinically signifi cant pancreatic fi stulas, mortality, as well as with a longer postoperative bed-day in patients who underwent resection of the pancreas Keywords: sarcopenia, pancreatoduodenal resection, postoperative complications, computed tomography, musculoskeletal index, pancreatic fistula. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6194 Rosenfeld II. Back сruroraphy and hernioplasty for diaphragm hernias of various sizes. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):58-62.. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-58-62 Authors Rosenfeld Igor I candidate of medical sciences, surgeon; Tver State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. The work considers the results of posterior cruraraphy along with hernioplasty, using polypropylene and biocarbon implant in surgical treatment of diaphragmatic hernias of various sizes. Material and methods. Totally 716 patients were divided into 3 study groups, based on the size of esophageal hernia defect: group I (314 people) – with small and medium size of hiatal hernias, who underwent posterior cruraphy; group II (323 patients) – with large hernias: subgroup 1 (92 patients) underwent posterior cruraphy, subgroup 2 (231 patients) – underwent hernioplasty. Subgroup 2 was divided into: subgroup A (89 people) – plastic surgery with polypropylene implant and subgroup B (142 people) – plastic surgery with biocarbon implant. Group III (79 patients) – patients with giant hiatal hernias: subgroup A (29 people) – plastic surgery with polypropylene implant and subgroup B (50 patients) – biocarbon construction. Results. While comparing group Ӏ with group II, subgroup 1 signifi cant diff erences were found in the degrees and types of hernias. Th e age of patients was not statistically important. While comparing subgroup 1 with subgroup 2 of group II, statistically insignifi cant diff erences were revealed in degrees and types of hernias. Th e age of patients was also statistically insignifi cant. While comparing subgroup A with subgroup B of group II, insignifi cant diff erences were revealed in degrees and types of hernias. While comparing subgroup 2, group II with group III, the diff erence turned out to be signifi cant in types and degrees of hernias. While comparing subgroup A with subgroup B, group III, statistically insignifi cant diff erences were revealed in the degrees and types of hiatal hernias. Conclusion. Posterior cruraphy in small and medium diaphragmatic hernias differed in types, degrees and size of hernia defect in comparison to the one in large hernias. Posterior cruraphy with plasty for large hernias did not diff er signifi cantly according to any of the criteria. Plastic surgery by polypropylene implant with biocarbon in case of large hernias did not diff er signifi cantly by any criteria. Plastic surgery for large hernias compared to giant ones, diff ered only in the degree and types, as well as in hernia defect size. Plastic surgery by polypropylene implant with biocarbon in giant hernias did not diff er in any criteria, except for gender distribution, which was not signifi cant, that made it possible to compare treatment results in these subgroups more correctly. Keywords: diaphragmatic hernia, hiatal hernia, hernioplasty, polypropylene implant, biocarbon implant, surgical technique. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6193 Mosaleva E.I., Zhumzhanov I.M., Alekseenko P.V., Ismailova S.B., Prokopenko S.V. Cognitive fluctuations associated with therapy in patients with Parkinson diseases Pages: 63-67 Mosaleva EI, Zhumzhanov IM, Alekseenko PV, Ismailova SB, Prokopenko SV. Cognitive fluctuations associated with therapy in patients with Parkinson diseases. Siberian Medical Review. 2020;(6):63-67. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2020-6-63-67 Authors Mosaleva Ekaterina I ; student, Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Zhumzhanov Ilya M ; student, Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Alekseenko Polina V ; student, Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Ismailova Saikal B ; assistant, department of nervous diseases with a PE-course, Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Prokopenko Semyon Vladimirovich Dr.Med.Sc., Professor & Head of the Department of Neurological Diseases with the Course of Medical Rehabilitation; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research is the assessment of cognitive status dynamics during levodopa pharmacotherapy. Material and methods. A new approach was created to assess cognitive status in patients with PD. It allows diagnosing cognitive fl uctuations at an early stage at the highest quality level as well as to correct the disorders rationally and timely. Th e patients were randomized into two groups. In group 1 (n = 25), the assessment of cognitive status was carried out at the “peak” dose of levodopa and in 6 months at the state of levodopa dose “outcome”. In group 2 (n = 25), respectively, on the contrary, the initial assessment of cognitive status was carried out at the “outcome” of levodopa dose and in 6 months later at the “peak”. The study groups were comparable in terms of such parameters as: age, gender, average duration and stage of disease. On average, all the participants by the study time were at 2.5 stage of the disease according to Hoehn and Yahr scale; and the average length of the disease was 5 years. Results. Th e following statistically signifi cant results were obtained: in the fi rst group (peak–outcome) the average values on MMSE scale at the “peak” were 27 points; at the “outcome” they were – 25; MOCA values were 25 and 22 points, respectively; on FAB scale the values were – 16 and 14.5 points, SCOPA-Cog values were 33 and 28 points. In the second group (outcome – peak), the average values on MMSE scale at the “outcome” were 27, at the “peak” – 28, on MOCA scale – 23 and 25.5, respectively, on FAB scale – 16 and 17.5, SCOPA–Cog – 30 and 33. Conclusion. The present study confi rms that cognitive status of patient associated with antiparkinsonian therapy changes depending on the peak of levodopa and its outcome. At the peak of levodopa action, patients show signifi cantly better results on scaling, and at the end of the day, they demonstrate more significant cognitive impairments. A new two-stage method for assessing CF allows diagnosing cognitive impairments at a better level. Such method is necessary for timely initiation of therapy and rational correction of antiparkinsonian treatment. Keywords: Parkinson disease, cognitive impairment, cognitive fluctuations, antiparkinsonian therapy, levodopa, assessment of cognitive status, neurodegenerative diseases. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6192 Hovalyg N.M., Remneva O.V., Kolyado O.V. Epidemiology of premature birth and details of medical evacuation in the Tyva Republic and Altai Territory Pages: 68-72 Hovalyg NM, Remneva OV, Kolyado OV. Epidemiology of premature birth and details of medical evacuation in the Tyva Republic and Altai Territory. Siberian Medical Review. 2020; (6):68-72. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2020-6-68-72 Authors Hovalyg Nellya M ; assistant of the department of obstetrics and gynaecology with the course of supplementary education of the Altai State Medical University; Remneva Olga V ; Dr.Med.Sci., the head of the departament of obstetrics and gynaecology with the course of supplementary education, Altai State Medical University; Kolyado Olga V ; postgraduate student, Altai State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research is to assess the epidemiology of premature birth and measures for organizing medical evacuation of patients from agricultural regions in vast territory of the Tyva Republic and Altay Territory for the period 2015-2019. Material and methods. Th e statistical reports data on the work of obstetric service in the Tyva Republic and Altay Territory for the period 2015-2019 are analyzed. Th e frequency, structure, dynamics of premature birth, features of organizing medical evacuation have been studied. Th e analysis of the information received was carried out using absolute, relative and intensive fi gures. Th e statistical signifi cance of the temporal dynamics of data was assessed using regression analysis with calculation of determination coeffi cient. Results. The analysis showed that premature birth frequency in two agricultural regions with a vast territory and diff erent nationalities in the Tyva Republic and Altay Territory over the past 5 years has no tendency to decrease (2019 – 6.2 % and 7.1 %, respectively) and the data are comparable with an average Russian indicator (2018 - 6.0 %). Distribution of PB by clinical phenotype and gestational age in the studied territories does not diff er and correspond to global indicators. Th e share of very early premature births (22-27 weeks of gestation) is not more than 7 %. A distinctive feature of Altai Territory in comparison with the Tyva Republic is a rarer (p <0.001) obstetric delivery of patients with PB in obstetric hospitals, level III (63.3 % and 96.8 %, respectively), which is associated with high frequency of late PB (53.1 %) and suffi cient capacity of medical organizations, level II. During medical evacuation in the regions, beta-adrenergic agonist ginipral (95 %) was used for acute tocolysis. Conclusion. Organization of medical evacuation in the Tyva Republic is characterized by more frequent use of air ambulance for patient transportation to obstetric hospital, level III, which is explainable by 7 times lower population density compared to Altay Territory with the same schemes of acute tocolysis. Keywords: premature birth, dynamics, epidemiology, routing Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6191 Zaharova T.G., Vetushenko S.A., Popova L.G., Startseva M.N. Ground for treatment and preventive measures improving perinatal outcomes in women with tuberculosis Pages: 73-79 Zakharova TG, Vetushenko SA, Popova LG, Startseva MN. Ground for treatment and preventive measures improving perinatal outcomes in women
with tuberculosis. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):73-79.. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-73-79 Authors Zaharova Tatyana Grigorevna MD, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Vetushenko Svetlana A ; Head of the Department of Pregnancy Pathology, Interdistrict Maternity Hospital № 4; Popova Lyudmila G ; Chief Physician of the Interdistrict Maternity Hospital № 4; Startseva Marina N ; Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Work, Interdistrict Maternity Hospital № 4; Annotation Features of pregnancy and childbirth course, as well as perinatal outcomes in women with tuberculosis and viral hepatitis B and / or C were studied. Th e research showed a high level of other concomitant somatic, gynecological diseases in such women, as well as high level of sexually transmitted infections compared to women without tuberculosis and viral hepatitis. Fetal growth retardation in pregnant women with tuberculosis was noted in 49.2 %, and if tuberculosis is combined with viral hepatitis it is noted in 53.3 %, while fetal growth retardation of III degree was observed only in combination of tuberculosis and viral hepatitis Keywords: pregnant, tuberculosis, newborn, prevention, health, fetus, childbirth Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6190 Vikulova N.R., Chernov A.V., Koshkina Y.V., Vasiljeva A.N., Orlova G.M. Atrial fibrillation in dialysis patients (experience of one center) Pages: 80-85 Vikulova NR, Chernov AV, Koshkina UV, Vasiljeva AN, Orlova GM. Atrial fi brillation in dialysis patients (experience of one center). Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):80-85. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-80-85 Authors Vikulova Nadezhda R ; chief medical offi cer, Center of hemodialysis, Irkutsk Research Institute of Clinical Medicine; Chernov Alexey V ; head of the Department, Center of hemodialysis, Irkutsk Research Institute of Clinical Medicine; Koshkina Yulia V ; nephrologist, Center of hemodialysis, Irkutsk Research Institute of Clinical Medicine; Vasiljeva Anastasia N ; nephrologist, Center of hemodialysis, Irkutsk Research Institute of Clinical Medicine; Orlova Galina Mikhailovna Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, the Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy; Irkutsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Annotation The aim of the research is to determine frequency of atrial fi brillation; factors that lead to the formation of atrial fi brillation and the development of cardiovascular complications in dialysis patients. Material and methods. Analysis of current clinical practice in one out-patient hemodialysis center. Results. The incidence of atrial fi brillation in dialysis patients is 10.5 %. Most patients (72.4 %) had a paroxysmal form of atrial fi brillation. Th ere is clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with atrial fi brillation. Atrial fi brillation occurred in 58.6 % of dialysis patients in average in 45 [15.4; 70.5] months after the beginning of regular hemodialysis, the rest got it in pre-dialysis period. Th e main factor associated with the development of atrial fi brillation on dialysis is the duration of dialysis therapy. Dialysis patients with atrial fi brillation are characterized by more pronounced systemic infl ammation and a higher incidence of hyperparathyroidism compared with patients without atrial fi brillation. Cardiovascular complications developed in 41.4 % dialysis patients with atrial fibrillation. Anuria is a factor associated with the development of myocardial infarction and stroke. Conclusion. Atrial fibrillation is found in every tenth dialysis patient. An increase in atrial fi brillation was noted along with an increase in hemodialysis duration. To optimize dialysis treatment of patients with atrial fi brillation further research is needed Keywords: chronic kidney disease, chronic hemodialysis, atrial fibrillation, risk factors, cardiovascular complications, hyperparathyroidism, current clinical
practice Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6189 Pervoushina Y.V., Gorbunov V.V. Role of B2-adrenoreceptors Polymorphism in the Development of Cardiovascular Complications in Severe Pneumonia with AH1N1/09 B Influenza in 2019 in Zabaykalsky Territory Pages: 86-89 Pervoushina YV, Gorbunov VV. Role of B2-adrenoreceptors Polymorphism in the Development of Cardiovascular Complications in Severe Pneumonia with AH1N1/09 B Infl uenza in 2019 in Zabaykalsky Territory. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):86-89. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-86-89 Authors Pervoushina Yulia V ; Assistant of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, Chita State Medical Academy; Gorbunov Vladimir Vladimirovich Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics; Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Annotation The purpose of the study. Th e aim of this study was to study the polymorphism of the ADRB2 gene, as well as the frequency and nature of cardiovascular complications in its presence in patients with severe pneumonia with infl uenza A/H1N1/09. Material and methods. Th e study included 100 patients with pneumonia with infl uenza A/H1N1 / 09 in 2019 in the Trans-Baikal Territory. All patients were treated in the intensive care unit. In patients, the causative agent-infl uenza virus A/H1N1 / 09 was verifi ed by PCR-detection of the pathogen in nasopharyngeal smears or hemagglutination inhibition test (HIT) with an increase in the antibody titer in paired sera. DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes; fragments were amplifi ed by polymerase reaction and genotyped by short fragment length polymorphism for Gln27Glu and Arg16Gly ADRB2. Results. The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I (n=41) – patients with cardiovascular complications; group II (n=59) – patients without cardiovascular complications. Th e groups were comparable in gender and age. Among the cardiovascular complications prevailed: arrhythmias (n=13); decompensation of chronic heart failure (n=13); acute myocardial infarction (n=7); pulmonary embolism (n=5); myocarditis/pericarditis (n=3). When studying the ADRB2 polymorphism, it was found that the most unfavorable variant is the homozygous mutation Arg16Gly (Gly/Gly). Th is mutation was detected in 6 (14.6 %) patients in group I, but was not detected in group II (P=0.003). In the presence of this mutation in patients with severe secondary viral-bacterial pneumonia with infl uenza A/H1N1 / 09, the risk of developing cardiovascular complications increases (HR=2.6; CI 2.06; 3.49). Conclusion. Patients with severe pneumonia during the A/H1N1/09 infl uenza epidemic in 2019 had a high incidence of cardiovascular complications (41 %). The presence of the homozygous Arg16Gly mutation (Gly/Gly) increases the risk of cardiovascular complications by 2.06 times, and the presence of the heterozygous Arg16Gly mutation (Arg/Gly) reduces this risk by 0.5 times Keywords: . Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6188 Kalinkina T.V., Lareva N.V., Chistyakova M.V., Stenkina V.K., Puntsokdashina T.B. Experience of calculating interstitial collagen volumetric fraction in patients with hypertonic disease Pages: 90-95 Kalinkina TV, Lareva NV, Chistyakova MV, Stenkina VK, Puntsokdashina TB. Experience of calculating interstitial collagen volumetric fraction in
patients with hypertonic disease. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):90-95. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-90-95 Authors Kalinkina Tatiana V ; Cand. of Med. Sci., assistant at Department of propedeutics of internal diseases, Chita state medical Academy; Lareva Natalia V Dr.Med.Sci., Professor; Chita State Medical Academy; Chistyakova Marina Vladimirovna Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant of the Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics; Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Stenkina Vera K ; 6th year student of the medical faculty, Chita State Medical Academy; Puntsokdashina Tatiana B ; 6th year student of the medical faculty, Chita State Medical Academy; Annotation The aim of the research is to optimize the assessment of collagen volumetric fraction in patients with stage 1 and 2 hypertensions. Material and methods. In total 39 patients with arterial hypertension took part in the study. Group 1 included patients (n = 13) with stage 1 hypertension, the second group included patients with stage 2 hypertension (n = 26). To verify structural changes in the left ventricle, all subjects underwent comprehensive examination, including history taking, anthropometric data taking, ECG study with the calculation of general QRS (mm) as a total indicator of R wave amplitude in 12 electrocardiographic leads, and echocardiography according to standard technique. Statistical analysis, based on the data obtained, was carried out using SPSS soft ware package. Furthermore, there was comparison of collagen volumetric fraction calculation (СVFC) according to the method of J. Shirani et al. (1992), and by our own formula based on nonlinear regression equation. Results. When calculating СVFC in accordance with the formula of J. Shirani et al. (1992), СVFC values (%) in the 1st group of subjects were 8.48 [5.5; 9.7]; in the 2nd group they were 11.16 [0.5; 1.7], (U = 51.0, p = 0.45). When studying groups СVFC in accordance with the alternative formula, more statistically signifi cant diff erences were observed: СVFC values in the 1st group were 23.5 [21.4; 30.4], in the 2nd group - 29.5 [25.5; 35.7] (U = 105.0, p = 0.049). Conclusion. The developed method for calculating collagen volumetric fraction is more pathogenetically suffi cient. Th is makes it possible to determine this indicator more accurately for identifying a group of patients suff ering from stage 1 and 2 hypertension, with a high risk of heart failure development for its wide use in clinical practice to monitor them more frequent and to correct their therapy. Keywords: myocardial fibrosis, arterial hypertension, interstitial collagen volumetric fraction Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6179 Ahmedova E.I., Senchenko A.Y., Taranushenko T.E. Main indicators in the assessment of child health in the fi rst year of life in Krasnoyarsk Territory Pages: 96-103 Ahmedova EI, Senchenko AYu, Taranushenko TE. Main indicators in the assessment of child health in the fi rst year of life in Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):96-103.. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-96-103 Authors Ahmedova Elmira I ; graduate student, Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Senchenko Alexey Yurievich Cand. Med. Set., Associate Professor of the Department of Management in Health Care IPE; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Taranushenko Tatyana Evgenyevna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation Th e aim of the research is to analyze indicators and structure of infant mortality in Krasnoyarsk Territory for the period from 2014 to 2018. Material and methods. Th e article studies indicators of population mortality and fertility, infant mortality in Krasnoyarsk Territory for fi ve-year period from 2014 to 2018. Th e analysis of the results obtained is carried out in comparison with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and with the country in general. Newborns morbidity rates in Krasnoyarsk Territory over a five-year period were studied in comparison with the data for the Russian Federation during 2017 and 2018. Results. The study revealed the excess of mortality over births in the region by 2018, with the coeffi cient 0.7 for 1000 population. It was found that in the period from 2014 to 2018 there is a decrease in infant mortality rate in the Russian Federation by 31.1 %; by 21.8 % in the Siberian Federal District; by 33.7 % (from 8.8 to 5.5 for 1000 alive births) in Krasnoyarsk Territory. The main causes of infant mortality in the territory are: conditions occurring in perinatal period, external causes and congenital anomalies (malformations). Decrease of infant mortality in the territory is primarily determined by the decrease in the number of deaths among children under 1 year of age due to the above-mentioned causes. Despite the annual decrease in infant mortality rate, on average, every third death occurs in the first 28 days of a child’s life. When studying the morbidity of newborns, one can mark a steady decline of the indicator both in the Russian Federation and in Krasnoyarsk Territory. At the same time, every year more than 80 % of absolute number of sick newborns falls on full-term babies. Conclusion. Th e results obtained during the study indicate a decrease in infant mortality rate over the study period. Th e study of indicators of infant mortality and morbidity in newborn children is fundamental in the fi eld of maternal and child health. Pediatricians need to pay special attention when examining newborns and children of the first year of life; they should timely identify pathological conditions and diseases, which will help reduce the risk of complications, chronic diseases, and, deaths. Keywords: infant mortality, neonatal mortality, newborn, morbidity, primary health care, early discharge from maternity house Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6177 Kochnev Y.Y., Lyulin S.V., Mukhtyaev S.V., Meshcheryagina I.A. Minimally invasive surgery for spine osteomyelitis treatment Pages: 104-110 Kochnev EYa, Lulin SV, Muchtyaev SV, Meshcheryagina IA. Minimally invasive surgery for spine osteomyelitis treatment. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):104-110. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-104-110 Authors Kochnev Yegor Ya ; postgraduate student, traumatologist-orthopedist of the admission department of the National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Academician G. A. Ilizarov; Lyulin Sergey Vl ; Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Department of Nervous Diseases, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Ural State Medical University; Mukhtyaev Sergey V ; Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, neurosurgeon of the purulent traumatology and orthopedic department № 3, the National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named aft er Academician G.A. Ilizarov; Meshcheryagina Ivanna A ; Cand. Med. Sci., head of the traumatology and orthopedic department No. 15, traumatologist-orthopedist, neurosurgeon, highest qualifi cation category, senior researcher of the laboratory of multiple, concomitant and combat trauma, the National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Academician G. A. Ilizarov; Annotation Th e aim of the research is to study the results of minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of nonspecifi c infectious spine lesions, and to present personal experience. Material and methods. Th ree patients with purulent nonspecifi c spondylodiscitis of lumbar spine got minimally invasive surgical treatment. The essence of surgical intervention included X-ray-assisted placement of tubular retractors in the area of intervertebral disc aff ected by purulent process; debridement and irrigation with antiseptic solution of interbody space, and setting a drain tube. All patients were treated during the period from December 2016 to February 2019. They were examined before surgery and in 3 months aft er the discharge. Laboratory parameters (CBT, C-reactive protein, bacteriological analysis of intervertebral disc contents) and instrumental research methods (computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) were evaluated. ODI, VAS, SF-36 questionnaires helped to assess pain syndrome and life quality of patients. Results. In 100 % of studied cases infection was caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The result of treatment in all cases was assessed as good, because pain syndrome, neurological disorders and infl ammatory process were arrested; there were no signs of disease progression. In all cases, life quality of patients was restored. In one case, additional surgical intervention was required (posterior instrumental fi xation of spine) because of instability signs. Conclusion. Minimally invasive surgical treatment of purulent single-level spondylodiscites can be recommended for practical use. The use of such approache allows to verify purulent infection agent, to damage soft tissues less getting proper sanitation of interbody space. It also allows to stop the infection and restore life quality of a patient Keywords: spine, spondylodiscitis, spondylitis, discitis, minimally invasive technologies, debridement Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6175 Petrov S.S., Shulman V.A., Vereschagina T.D. A rare case of type 2 myocardial infarction development in a patient with Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome Pages: 111-114 Petrov SS, Shulman VA, Vereschagina TD. A rare case of type 2 myocardial infarction development in a patient with Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome. Siberian Medical Review. 2021; (1):111-114. DOI 10.20333/2500136-2021-1-111-114 Authors Petrov Sergey S ; Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Shulman Vladimir Abramovich Dr. Med. Sci, Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases № 1; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Vereschagina Tatyana Dmitrievna PhD, Docent; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation Currently, myocardial infarction diagnostics has no diffi culties. Type 2 myocardial infarction is an exception, as it occurs due to a mismatch with oxygen delivery along coronary arteries and myocardial demand for it. Th e disease is secondary and this is the main diffi culty for its diagnostics. The article described a case of a young man having Wolff -Parkinson-White syndrome with type 2 myocardial infarction development. The main cause of myocardial necrosis is a prolonged paroxysm of reciprocal atrioventricular antidromic tachycardia. Keywords: myocardial infarction, Wolff -Parkinson-White syndrome, atrioventricular reciprocal tachycardia Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 6175 |
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