Сибирское медицинское обозрение. 2016. № 1 View full text Количество просмотров : 9800 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Fedorova N.V., Kashtalap V.V., Barbarash 0.L. Perspective of galectin-3 use as a marker of poor prognosis in myocardial infarction patients with elevation segment. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 5-17. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-5-17
Authors Fedorova Natalya Vasil'evna Post-graduate student; Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases; BNatalia88@mail.ru Kashtalap Vasiliy Vasilevich Dr. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Cardiology Department; Head of laborafoiy pathophysiology multifocal atherosclerosis; Kemerovo State Medical Academy; Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases; v_kash@mail.ru Barbarash O. L. Dr. Med. Sci., Professor; Kemerovo State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases; olb61@mail.ru
Annotation Ischemic heart disease has one of the leading places among the important problems of contemporary cardiology. The
currently used approaches to assessment of complications risk and to determine of appropriate preventive and curative measures
are not always perfect and specific. At present, the hospital uses a large number of biochemical markers of myocardial infarction
prognosis (troponins, creatine phosphokinase, C-reactive protein (CRP), Nt-proBNP, and others.), were suggested a lot of prognostic
models, however, as have appeared the new markers of prognostic model, providing for the use of multiple indicators to assess the
risk, creates the potential for further improvement of diagnosis and clinical outcome of patients with myocardial infarction. New
perspective and widely studied marker is galectin-3. This review discusses the diagnostic and prognostic value of this biomarker in
patients with both acute and chronic heart failure, as well as approaches to the various therapeutic effects on the level of galectin-3. Keywords: galectin-3, myocardial infarction, prognosis. Reference List:1. Ageev F.T., Azizova A.G. Galectin-3 – a new biochemicalmarker of heart failure // Heart failure. 2011.Vol. 12, № 2. P. 108-114. 2. Bobrovskaya E.E., Burova N.N., Cohn V.E. Predictorsof complicated course and poor prognosis in patients withmyocardial infarction // Arterial hypertension. 2009.Vol. 15, № 5. P. 539-542. 3. Bogova O.T., Chukaeva I.I. Myocardial infarction.Inflammation and prognosis // Russian Journal of Cardiology.– 2003. № 4. P. 95-98. 4. Vasilieva O.A., Yakusheva V.D., Ryazantseva N.V.,Novitsky V.V. Possibilities of use of galectin-3 in laboratorydiagnostics // Scientific and Practical Journal «Clinical andLaboratory Concilium». 2011. № 2. P. 12-18. 5. Vashakidze Z.S., Tseluyko V.I., Bregvadze T.R. 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Authors Prokopenko Semyon Vladimirovich Dr.Med.Sc., Professor & Head of the Department of Neurological Diseases with the Course of Medical Rehabilitation; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; s.v.proc.58@mail.ru Mozheyko Elena Yurievna Ph.D..Associate professor, Department of neurological diseases,head of an office of prevention of a stroke, diagnostics of cognitive dysfunction of SCO of FMBA of Russia; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; el_mozhejko@mail.ru Koryakina Olga Stepanovna ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; spkrasgma@mail.ru Anay-ool Tatyana Saryg-oolovna Postgraduate Student at the Department of Neurological Diseases; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; anaiseren@mail.ru
Annotation This article presents scientific overview, related to the problem of cognitive impairments seen in patients with stroke.
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Visits: 18584 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Sharaikina E.Yu., Medvedeva N.N., Sharaikina E.P., Dudina G.B. Deficit of body mass in girls: reproductive health problems. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 26-32. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-26-32
Authors Sharaykina Elena Yurievna Cand.Med.Sc., Director; Krasnoyarsk medical College; sharaykina@mail.ru Medvedeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, the Head of the Department of Anatomy and Histology; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; medvenad@mail.ru Sharaykina E. P. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; sharaikinaep@mail.ru Dudina Galina Bogdanovna Doctor of Ultrasound Diagnosi; 3PKU CB-1 GUFSIN Russia across Krasnoyarsk region, «Regional hospital №1 of the Main Directorate of the Federal service of execution of punishments across Krasnoyarsk region; dudinagb@gmail.com
Annotation The review includes the information on the state of reproductive health of female students with the deficit of body mass.
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Authors Bobrova Olga Petrovna Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with the Courses of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Technology and PE, Doctor -Clinical Pharmacologist; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; BOP_351971@mail.ru Zukov Ruslan Aleksandrovich Dr.Med.Sc., Head of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Therapy with course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; zukov.ra@krasgmu.ru Modestov Andrey Arsenijevic Cand.Med.Sc., Head Physician; Assistant Professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Therapy with course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; andremo@yandex.ru
Annotation The article is devoted to the questions of individual approach in organizing and conducting the nutritional
support in the perioperative period in patients with malignant tumors of gastro - intestinal tract. Here presented the
review of current data on the principles of personalization of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies of the contemporary
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Authors Pichugina Yulia Anatol'evna Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of psychiatry and narcology; Krasnoyarsk State Medical Un iversity named afterProf. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky; yulia651@mail.ru Berezovskaya Marina Al’bertovna Dr.Med.Sc., Associate Professor, Head of
the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; mberezovska@mail.ru Korobitsina Tatiana Valeryevna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor of the Department of
Psychiatry and Narcology; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; tvkor@mail.ru
Annotation The article presents the conditions of the appearance spread of new psychoactive substances, provides
the main factors influencing to changes in the demand and consumption of potentially dangerous new psychoactive
substances, shows the changes and the consequences that touches the narcological service. Keywords: психоактивные вещества, синтетические психостимуляторы, синтетические каннабими-
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Authors Polikutina Olga Mikhailovna Cand.Med.Sc, Head of Laboratory of Ultrasonic and Electrophysiological Methods; Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases; mailto:ompol@rambler.ru Slepynina Yulia Sergeevna Research Scientist of Laboratory of Ultrasonic and Electrophysiological Methods; Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases; mailto:yulia-42@yandex.ru Bazdyrev Evgeny Dmitrievich Cand.Med.Sc., senior research associate of the laboratory of pathophysiology of multifocal atherosclerosis; Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases; edb624@mail.ru Karetnikova Victoria Nicolaevna Dr. Med. Sci., Head of laboratory of blood circulation pathology; Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases; toril071@mail.ru Barbarash O. L. Dr. Med. Sci., Professor; Kemerovo State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases; olb61@mail.ru
Annotation The aim of the research. Assessing the role of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the formation of negative annual
infarction prognosis with ST-segment elevation.
Materials and methods. The study included 529 patients with STEMI, which developed during the 24 hours prior to admission
to the hospital, with no age restrictions. Hospital mortality was 10.9% (58 cases). At discharged patients were evaluated
endpoints at one year from myocardial infarction (MI): death, recurrent myocardial infarction, acute ischemic stroke,
progressive stenocardia, decompensated chronic heart failure, repeated urgent coronary revascularization, the occurrence
of which was regarded as an unfavorable annual forecast.
Results. The annual forecast is estimated at 384 people. It was found that the presence of COPD increases the risk of adverse annual
forecast of 1.9 times (95% CI 1,1-3,6, p = 0.0429), the risk of heart failure decompensation during the year by 2.6 times (95%
CI, 1,3-5,4, p = 0.0060). By the method of multivariate logistic regression were identified the predictors, significantly affecting to
the implementation of the negative annual forecast of STEMI, among which, along with the number of diseased by coronary arteries,
level of NTproBNP, BMI index included the presence in a patient with myocardial infarction accompanying COPD.
Conclusion. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an independent predictor of poor prognosis, which should be considered
in risk stratification of patients with STEMI. Keywords: myocardial infarction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, comorbid pathology, long-term prognosis. Reference List:1. Behar S., Panosh A., Reicher-Reiss H., Zion M.,Schlesinger Z., Goldbourt U. Prevalence and prognosisof chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among 5,839consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction.SPRINT Study Group // Am. J. Med. 1992.Vol. 93. P. 637-641. 2. Boschetto P., Beghe B., Fabbri L.M., Ceconi C. Linkbetween chronic obstructive pulmonary disease andcoronary artery disease: implication for clinical practice// Respirology. 2012. Vol. 17, № 3. P. 422-431. 3. Bursi F., Vassallo R., Weston S.A., Killian J.M.,Roger V.L. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseafter myocardial infarction in the community // Am.Heart J. 2010. Vol. 160, № l. P. 95-101. 4. Hadi H.A., Zubaid M., Al Mahmeed W., El-MenyarA.A., Ridha M., Alsheikh-Ali A.A., Singh R., Assad N.,Al Habib K., Al Suwaidi J. Prevalence and prognosisof chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among 8167Middle Eastern patients with acute coronary syndrome// Clin. Cardiol. 2010. Vol. 33, № 4.P. 228-235. 5. Halkin A., Singh M., Nikolsky E., Grines C.L., TchengJ.E., Garcia E., Cox D.A., Turco M., Stuckey T.D., Na Y.,Lansky A.J., Gersh B.J., O’Neill W.W., Mehran R., StoneG.W. Prediction of mortality after primary percutaneouscoronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction: theCADILLAC risk score // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2005.Vol. 45, № 9. P. 1397-1405. 6. Hawkins N.M., Huang Z., Pieper K.S., SolomonS.D., Kober L., Velazquez E.J., Swedberg K., PfefferM.A., McMurray J.J., Maggioni A.P. Chronic obstructivepulmonary disease is an independent predictor of deathbut not atherosclerotic events in patients with myocardialinfarction: analysis of the Valsartan in Acute MyocardialInfarction Trial (VALIANT) // European Journal of HeartFailure. 2009. Vol 11. P. 292-298. 7. Khan S.Q., Narayan H., Ng K.H., Dhillon O.S., KellyD., Quinn P., Squire I.B., Davies J.E., Ng L.L. N-terminalpro B type natriuretic peptide complements the GRACErisk score in predicting early and late mortality followingacute coronary syndrome // Clin. Sci. (Lond.).2009. Vol. 117, № 1. P. 31-39. 8. Kjoller E., Kober L., Iversen K., Torp-Pedersen C.Importance of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasefor prognosis and diagnosis of congestive heart failure inpatients with acute myocardial infarction // Eur. J. HeartFail. 2004. Vol. 6. P. 71-77. 9. Lazzeri C., Valente S., Attana P., Chiostri M.,Picariello C., Gensini G.F. The prognostic role of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease in ST-elevation myocardialinfarction after primary angioplasty // Eur. J. Prev.Cardiol. 2013. Vol. 20, № 3. P. 392-398. 10. Mueller C., Breidthardt T., Laule-Kilian K., ChristM., Perruchoud A.P. The integration of BNP and NTproBNPinto clinical medicine // Swiss. Med. Wkly.2007. Vol. 137. P. 4-12. 11. Oreopoulos A., McAlister F.A., Kalantar-ZadehK., Padwal R., Ezekowitz J.A., Sharma A.M., KovesdyC.P., Fonarow G.C., Norris C.M. The relationshipbetween body mass index, treatment, and mortality inpatients with established coronary artery disease: a reportfrom APPROACH // Eur. Heart J. 2009. Vol. 30,№ 21. Р. 2584-2592. 12. Salisbury A., Reid K., Spertus J. Impact of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease on post-myocardial infarctionoutcomes // Am. J. Cardiol. 2007. Vol. 99.P. 231-23913. Schols A.M., Broekhuizen R., Weling-ScheepersC.A., Wouters E.F. Body composition and mortality inchronic obstructive pulmonary disease // Am. J. Clin.Nutr. 2005. Vol. 82. P. 53-59. 14. Taylor A.W., Price K., Gill T.K., Adams R., PilkingtonR., Carrangis N., Shi Z., Wilson D. Multimorbidity – notjust an older person’s issue. Results from an Australianbiomedical study // BMC Public Health. 2010.Vol. 10. P. 718. 15. Uretsky S., Supariwala A., Singh P., Atluri P.,Khokhar S.S., Koppuravuri H.K., Joshi R., Mandeva A.,Rozanski A. Impact of weight on long-term survival amongpatients without known coronary artery disease and anormal stress SPECT MPI // J. Nucl.Cardiol. 2010.Vol. 17, № 3. Р. 390-397. Visits: 18557 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Sorokin E. P., Ponomarev S. V., Ivanova V. V., Shilyaeva Ye. V. Assessment of risk factor for developing pneumonia in patients with thoracoabdominal injuries. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 56-60. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-56-60
Authors Sorokin Eduard Pavlovich Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of surgical pathology assistant with the course of anesthesiology and intensive-care medicine; Izhevsk State Medical Academy; ep.sorokin@yandex.ru Ponomarev Sergey Vyacheslavovich intensivist; Municipal clinical hospital №9 of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic; spl975@bk.ru Ivanova Vasilisa Veniaminovna resident, physician of Chair of surgical pathology with the course of anesthesiology and intensive-care medicine; Izhevsk State Medical Academy; igor8707_08@list.ru Shilyaeva Yelena Viktorovna intensivist, State-financed health; Municipal clinical hospital № 9 of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic; elena@yandex.ru
Annotation The aim of the research. To determine risk factors for pneumonia and evaluate their significance in patients with
thoracoabdominal injuries.
Materials and methods. It was done the retrospective analysis of the results of treatment 184 patients aged 36,9 ± 8,5
years with thoracoabdominal injuries to determine the frequency and risk factors for pneumonia.
Results. It was established that the frequency of pneumonia was 19.6%. It was determined that the risk of pneumonia
depended on the severity of the injury (ISS scale), of mechanical lungs ventilation longer than 48 hours, enteral nutrition,
period of stay in a department of anesthesiology and intensive care for more than three days, two or more additional
surgical interventions. There were identified variants of antibiotic resistance of nosocomial pneumonia.
Conclusion. Were identified risk factors for pneumonia in patients with thoracoabdominal injuries. Keywords: thoracoabdominal trauma, risk factors, nosocomial pneumonia, antibacterial therapy, antibiotic resistance. Reference List:1. Gritsan A.I., Dovbysh N.Yu., Gazenkampf A.A., Gritsan G.V. The comparison of severity of the condition,parameters of respiratory biomechanics and gas exchangein patients with stroke in the development of early andlate ventilator-associated pneumonia // Bulletin ofAnesthesiology and Reanimatology. 2013. № 4.P. 26-33. 2. Gritsan A.I., Dovbysh N.Yu., Gazenkampf A.A.,Gritsan G.V., Kurtz E.M. Risk factors, microbial landscapeand the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy in the treatmentof ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients with stroke// Journal of anesthesiology and reanimatology.2014. № 4. P. 18-293. Kolkin Ya.G., Pershin E.S., Vegner D.V.,Peschanskiy R. E. Diagnosis and surgical treatmentof thoracoabdominal trauma // Ukrainian Journalof Surgery. 2010. № 1. P. 18-20. 4. Korolev V.M. Epidemiological aspects of combinedtrauma // Far East Medical Journal. 2011. № 3.P. 124-128. 5. Maxin A. A., Valyka E.N. Tactical aspects ofdiagnosis and surgical treatment of patients withthoracoabdominal trauma // Vestnik of new medicaltechnologies. 2009. № 2. P. 190-191. 6. Nosocomial pneumonia in adults. Russian nationalguidelines // Journal of anesthesiology and reanimatology.– 2009.Vol. 6, № 5. P. 39-59. 7. Samokhvalov I.M., Nedomolkin S.V., Gavrilin S.V.,Meshakov D.P., Suvorov V.V., Smirnov S.A., FukalyakV.I. Features of reanimotological care to the patients withmultiple injuries at extremely high predicted mortality// Journal of anesthesiology and reanimatology.2014. №5. P. 20-26. 8. Sorokin E.P., Mal’chikov A.Ya., Gritsan A.I.,Voronchihin A.E., Shilyaeva E.V. Social Portrait ofpatients with combined trauma // Polytrauma. 2014.№ 1. P. 15-28. 9. Shabanov A.K., Khubutia M. Sh., Bulava G.V.,Beloborodova N.V., Kuzovlev A.N., GrebenchikovO.A., Kosolapov D.A., Shpitonkov M.I. Dynamics ofprocalcitonin level in the development of nosocomialpneumonia in patients with severe combined trauma// General Reanimatology. 2013. № 9 (5).P. 11-17. 10. Giamberardino H., Schelmezer B., Adamante H. Z.,Betum T. Pneumonia in trauma patients // AntimicrobialResistance and Infection Control. 2015. Vol. 4. P. 98. 11. Keut H., Faverio P., Restrepo M. I. Prevention ofventilator-associated pneumonia in the intensive care unit:A review of the clinically relevant recent advancements// Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2014.Vol. 139. P. 814-821. 12. Lausevic Z., Lausevic M., Trbojevic-Stankovic J.,Krstic S., Stojimirovic B. Predicting multiple organ failurein patients with severe trauma // Canadian Journal ofSurgery. 2008. Vol. 51, № 2. P. 97-102. 13. Luyt C. E., Chastre J., Fagon J. Y. Value of theClinical Pulmonary Infection Score for the identificationand management of ventilator-associated pneumonia// Intensive Care Medicine. 2004. Vol. 30. P. 844-852. 14. O’Horo J. C., Kashyap R., Herasevich V.,Sampathkumar P. The Clinical Pulmonary Infection ScoreAnd Ventilator Associated Events // American Journalof Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2014.Vol. 189. P. 4563 Visits: 18551 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Palichev V. N., Artymuk N. V., Grigor'ev E. V. The safety and efficacy of intraoperative hardware autoreinfusion in obstetrics: the experience of regional centre // Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 61-65. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-61-65
Authors Palichev Vasiliy Nikolaevich Head of intensive care unit; Kemerovo State Medical Academy; Kemerovo State Clinical Perinatal Centre, the Assistant of the simulation centre; med-vas@yandex.ru Artymuk Natalya Vladimirovna Dr. Med.Sc., Professor, the Head of the Department of obstetric and gynecology №2; Russian Ministry of Health chief specialist in obstetrics and gynecology in the Siberian Federal District; Kemerovo State Medical Academy; roddom_kokb@mail.ru Grigoryev Evgeny Valereivich Dr.Med. Sc., Professor, the Head of the Department of anesthesiology and reanimatology; deputy director of scientific and clinical affairs; Kemerovo State Medical Academy; Scientific Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Affairs; grigorievev@mail.ru
Annotation The aim of the research. Analysis of the experience of hardware intraoperative reinfusion (IAR) in a regional
perinatal center from a position of safety and efficacy.
Materials and methods. Were subjected to a retrospective analysis 47 IAR procedures. The need for donor
transfusion environments, the frequency of multiple organ failure, the need for renal replacement therapy were
Results. The use of IAR in patients of obstetric profile in acute massive blood loss made possible to limit the
need for allogeneic red blood cells not more than 29% of all cases of massive blood loss. IAR safety is proved by
cases of amniotic embolism and transfusion complications.
Conclusion. Undoubted clinical effect in the group IAR was achieved by preventing the development of multiple
organ failure, reducing the incidence of ARDS and the need for renal replacement therapy. Keywords: obstetrics, acute massive blood loss, reinfusion. Reference List:1. Fedorova T.A., Rogachevskiy O.V. Blood savingtechnologies in obstetric practice // Modern medical technology.– 2009. № 2. P. 59-62. 2. Fedorova T.A., Strelnikova E.V., Rogachevskiy O.V.,Danilov A.Yu. The use of intraoperative reinfusion autoerythrocytesin obstetric practice // Obstetrics and Gynecology.– 2010. № 4. P. 23-27. 3. Allam J, Cox M, Yentis SM. Cell salvage in obstetrics// Int. J. Obstet. Anesth. 2008. № 17. С. 37-45. 4. Blajchman M.A., Vamvakas E.C. The continuing riskof transfusion-transmitted infections // N. Engl. J. Med.2006. № 355. Р. 1303-1305. 5. Brearton C., Bhalla A., Mallaiah S., Barclay P. The economicbenefits of cell salvage in obstetric haemorrhage // Int.J. Obstet. Anesth. 2012. № 21. Р. 329-333. 6. Geoghegan J., Daniels J.P., Moore P.A.S., ThompsonP.J., Khan K.S., Gülmezoglu A.M. Cell salvage at caesareansection: the need for an evidence-based approach // BJOG: AnInternational Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2009.№ 116. Р. 743-747. 7. Geoghegan J., Daniels J.P., Moore P.A., Thompson P.J.,Khan K.S., Gülmezoglu A.M. Cell salvage at caesarean section:the need for an evidence-based approach // Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol.– 2009. Vol. 116, № 6. Р. 743-747. 8. Liumbruno G.M., Liumbruno C., Rafanelli D. Intraoperativecell salvage in obstetrics: is it a real therapeutic option?// Transfusion. 2011. Vol.51, №10. Р. 2244-2454. 9. Liumbruno G.M., Liumbruno C., Rafanelli D. Autologousblood in obstetrics: where are we going now? // BloodTransfus. 2012. № 10. Р. 125-147. 10. Liumbruno G.M., Meschini A., Liumbruno C., RafanelliD. The introduction of intra-operative cell salvage in obstetricclinical practice: a review of the available evidence // Eur. J.Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 2011. № 159. Р. 19-25. 11. Louage S., Van de Velde M. Cell salvage in obstеtricanesthesia // Acta Anaesthesiol. Belg. 2010. Vol. 61,№ 1. Р. 13-24. 12. Ralph C.J., Sullivan I., Faulds J. Intraoperative cellsalvaged blood as part of a blood conservation strategy inCaesarean section: is fetal red cell contamination important?// Br. J. Anaesth. 2011. № 107. Р. 404-408. 13. Surendran S.K., Allard S., Regan. Royal College of Obstetriciansand Gynaecologists (RCOG). The management of womenwith red cell antibodies during pregnancy. Royal College of Obstetriciansand Gynaecologists (RCOG); London: 2014. P. 5-15. 14. Sullivan I, Faulds J, Ralph C. Contamination of salvagedmaternal blood by amniotic fluid and fetal red cellsduring elective caesarean section // Br. J. Anaesth. 2008.№ 101. Р. 225-229. 15. Wise V.C. Challenges of major obstetric haemorrhage// Best Pract. Res. Clin. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2010.№ 24. Р. 353-365. Visits: 18538 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Kozlov E.V., Petrova M.M., Velikova I.A., Orlova L.K., Dereviannykh E.V., Balashova N.A., Baharev V.P., Pishcherenko S.M., Kharkov E.I. Disseminated lesion of pulmonary tissue in a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 66-72. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-66-72
Authors Kozlov E.V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; kev-pulmonolog@mail.ru Petrova Marina Mikhailovna MD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, Family Medicine and HL with a course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1;тел.:8 (391)2200628; e-mail: stk99@yandex.ru Velikova Irina Alexandrovna physician pulmonologist; Head of the Pulmonology Department, KG BUZ KMKBSMP named after N.S. Karpovich; Derevyannykh E. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; rusene@mail.ru Orlova Lyudmila Konstantinovna Cand.Med.Sc., ptiysieian pulmonologist, the Pulmonology Department; KGBUZ KMKBSMP named after N.S. Karpovich; Balashova Nataliya Arlenovna Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Therapy; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; rusene@mail.ru Bakharev Victor Pavlovich physician, radiologist; Head of the Radiology Department, KGBUZ KMKBSMP named after N.S. Karpovich; Pishchereriko Sergey Mikhcilonch physician pathologist, the Head of Pathology Department; KGBUZ KMKBSMP named after N.S. Karpovzdi; Harkov Evgeny Ivanovich Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases Propaedeutics and Therapy; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Harkov-50@mail.ru
Annotation This article presents a case of disseminated lesion of the pulmonary tissue, revealed at the last stage
of the disease in a patient with pancreatic cancer. Keywords: disseminated lung lesion, pancreatic cancer. Reference List:1. Zhukova N.V., Kilessa V.V., Zakharova M.A.Disseminated pulmonary lesion in systemic connectivetissue diseases // Kryms’kiy therapeutichniy journal. -2013. № 1. P.119-1242. Zaitsev A.A., Antipushina D.N., Sivokozov I.V.,Chernov S.A. Diagnosis and treatment of patients withsarcoidosis in the multiprofile military hospital // Voen.-med. journ. 2012. Vol. 333, № 9. P. 35-40. 3. Il’kovich M.M. Disseminated pulmonary disease.M.: GEOTAR Media, 2011. 470 p. 4. Liskina I.V., Sil’chenko V.P., Irkin I.V., Zagaba L.M.Diffuse parenchymatous lung disease: lung biopsy opportunityin verify the diagnosis, determining the treatmentstrategy and prognosis // Ukrainsky pulmonologіchnymagazine. 2008. № 4. P. 43-465. Sivokozov I.V., Shmelev E.I., Lovachyova O.V. Difficultiesof differential diagnosis of disseminated processesin the lungs // Medical Council. 2013. № 11.P. 58-616. Shal’min A.S., Raznatovskaya E.N. Syndromeof pulmonary dissemination //Український журналекстремальної медицини імені Г.О.Можаєва.2012. Vol. 13, № 1. P. 93-96. 7. Mukherjee S., Van Pittus D. G., Spiteri M. Diffuseparenchymal lung disease: a practical overview. Is alung biopsy necessary for management? // Breathe. —2008. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 233-239. Visits: 18530 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Ivliev S. V. 50th anniversary to dialysis service of Krasnoyarsk region. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 73-78. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-73-78
Authors Ivliev Sergey Viktorovich Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Therapy; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Grinstein.yi@gmail.com
Annotation The article presents the main stages of the dialysis service of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Here are described the
peculiarities of the first sessions of hemodialysis. . It is shown how a great way has passed the dialysis service. Keywords: hemodialysis, “artificial kidney” CRF Visits: 18479 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Petrova M. M., Shtarik S. Yu. Review of dissertation topics that were submitted in 2015 by the committee of dissertation defense for the degree of candidate if science, for the degree of doctor of science D 208.037.01 in specialty 14.01.04 - internal disease. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 79-87. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-79-87
Authors Petrova Marina Mikhailovna MD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, Family Medicine and HL with a course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1;тел.:8 (391)2200628; e-mail: stk99@yandex.ru Shtarik S. Yu. Dr. Med. Sci.,Professor; Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; shtarik@yandex.ru
Visits: 18476 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Shtarik S. Yu. Review of dissertation topics that were submitted in 2015 by the committee of dissertation defense for the degree of candidate if science, for the degree of doctor of science D 208.037.01 in specialty 14.01.08 - pediatrics. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 88-92. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-88-92
Authors Shtarik S. Yu. Dr. Med. Sci.,Professor; Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; shtarik@yandex.ru
Visits: 18463 Description Authors Annotation Keywords Reference List Comments Statistics Kochetova L.V. Review of dissertation topics that were submitted in 2014 by the committee of dissertation defense for the degree of candidate if science, for the degree of doctor of science D 208.037.02 in specialty 14.03.01 - human anatomy. Siberian medical review. 2016; № 1: 93-98. DOI 10.20333/25000136-2016-1-93-98
Authors Kochetova Lyudmila Victorovna Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor of the chair of general surgery, Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 208.037.05; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; dissovetkrasgmu@bk.ru
Visits: 18458 |
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