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Сибирское медицинское обозрение. 2013. № 4 View full text Количество просмотров : 9643Pigareva Y.N., Salmina A.B., Karacheva Y.V. FEATURES OF MICROCIRCULATORY CHANNEL OF THE SKIN: REGULATION MECHANISMS AND MODERN METHODS OF INVESTIGATION Pages: 3-8 . Authors Pigareva Yu. N. ; State Medical University named after Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky; Salmina Alla Borisovna PhD, Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry with the Course of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Karacheva Yulia Viktorovna Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology with the Course of Cosmetology and PO named after Prof. V.I. Prokhorenkov; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The review analyzed the current ideas about the features of the microcirculatory channel of human skin in normal and pathological conditions. Here is a comparative assessment of biochemical and physical methods of investigation of the microcirculation of the skin. Keywords: skin microcirculation, endothelial dysfunction, molecules-markers Comments Visits: 17167 Kazanbaev R.T., Prohorenkov V.I., Yakovleva T.A., Vfsil'eva E.Y. IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISMS IN DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALLERGIC DERMATOSES Pages: 9-13 . Authors Kazanbaev Rinat Tagirovich Postgraduate student of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology with the Course of Cosmetology and PO named after Prof. V.I. Prokhorenkov; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Prohorenkov V. I. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Yakovleva Tatyana Alexandrovna Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology and Venereology with theCcourse of Cosmetology and PO named after Prof. V.I. Prohorenkov; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Vfsil'eva E. Yu. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The causes of allergic contact dermatoses are quite clear and can be confirmed by a special provocation of metal compounds. The study of skin permeability for chemical compounds, particularly with metals content, are the subject of priority in dermatology. It is well established that evacuation rate of metal from skin is different and depends mainly on the ability to make compounds with the protein colloids. At cumulation metals elements in skin and their elimination arises the induction of immune response. A dose and duration of haptens and antigens penetrated into the skin are important for the formation of the immune reaction. Keywords: allergic dermatoses, eczema, metalloallergosis, haptens, allergens Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17212 Savchenko A.A., Dogadin S.A., Dudina M.A. FEATURES OF IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE ACTIVITY OF BLOOD NEUTROPHILS AT ACROMEGALY Pages: 14-18 . Authors Savchenko Andrey Anatolievich Dr. Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Physiology named after Prof. A.T. Pshonik; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Dogadin S. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Dudina M. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation Were investigated immunological parameters and chemiluminescence activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in patients with active acromegaly and in remission period of the disease. It was established that the features of the immune system in the pathological hypersecretion of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor type I is to enhance the activation of cellular and phagocytic parts of immune system at the disbalance in humoral immunity. In the remission period of acromegaly may be the tendency towards normalization the parameters of cellular and phagocytic links of immunity but while retaining high level of В-and NK-cells and spontaneous chemiluminescence intensity of neutrophilic granulocytes, but with increasing the amounts of cells, expressing CD25-and CD95-receptors. Keywords: acromegaly, immunological parameters, neutrophilic granulocytes, chemiluminescence Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17155 Gritsan G.V., Olkhovskiy I.A., Stolyar M.A., Kosnickaya J.V. ASPIRIN RESISTANCE IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE ON ISCHEMIC TYPE Pages: 19-23 . Authors Gritsan G. V D.Med.Sc.; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Olkhovskiy I. A. ; ; kiashemcenteh@mail.iu Stolyar M. A. ; Siberian Federal University; Kosnickaya J. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation By impedance aggregometry method were investigated the features of platelet functional activity and their sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in patients with acute stroke on ischemic type. The study involved 58 patients with ischemic stroke, among them were 34 patients with atherothrombotic stroke forms, 18 - cardioembolic, 6 - hemodynamic. Agregatogram parameters were examined before and after incubation with ASA. It was established that on the base of aspirin therapy in patients with ischemic stroke the aggregation parameters did not differ from the control group, but after incubation of samples with ASA parameters were decreased in a smaller degree than in the control group, while the lag-phase aggregation were not changed. It was revealed a heterogeneous content of the patient group on the aggregation value on the base of aspirin therapy, including those with clinical and laboratory resistance. Thus, impedansometric method allowed to evaluate the patient's sensitivity to aspirin and may be a useful for the correction of disaggregation therapy. Keywords: ischemic stroke, platelet aggregation, impedance aggregometry, acetylsalicylic acid Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17186 Kosinova A., Kovalev A.V., Grinshtein Y.I., Suhovolskiy V.G., Savchenko A.A. DIELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BLOOD AND BLOOD COMPONENTS IN PATIENTS WITH STABLE STENOCARDIA Pages: 24-28 . Authors Kosinova A.A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kovalev A. V. ; Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Grinshtein Yuriy Isaevich Dr.Med.Sc. , Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy PE; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Suhovolskiy V. G. ; Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Savchenko Andrey Anatolievich Dr. Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Physiology named after Prof. A.T. Pshonik; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the investigation: to study the dielectric properties of blood components in norm and at stable stenocardia of II-III functional class (II-III FC). In 26 patients with stable stenocardia II-III FC and 20 donors were studied the dielectric properties of erythrocytes, platelets, whole blood and serum in the original Fourier spectrometer. It was found that erythrocytes and platelets have different dielectric properties of the membranes. Dielectric characteristics of platelets are comparable with dielectric characteristics of blood, compared to serum and erythrocytes. Dielectric properties of erythrocytes depend on their level in blood. In healthy donors and patients with stenocardia II-III FC Cole parameters xO, yO, and rO of blood, platelets and serum were not significantly different. In donors and patients with stenocardia statistically significant is the difference between the groups in rO and xO for red blood cells. The dielectric properties of red blood cells in donors and patients with stable stenocardia II-III FC are significant differences. The method of Fourier spectroscopy allows to evaluate the functional state of the cell membranes of erythrocytes, platelets, and whole blood. Keywords: blood, erythrocytes, platelets, dielectric properties, stenocardia Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17134 Dryganova M.B., Martynova G.P., Kurtasova L.M. THE ANALYSIS OF EFFICACY THE REPEATED COURSE OF IMMUNOTHERAPY BASED ON INDIVIDUAL CELL RESPONDS TO INTERFERON-ALPHA IN CHILDREN WITH EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS INFECTION Pages: 29-32 . Authors Dryganova M. B. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Martynova Galina Petrovna Professor of the Department of Childhood Infectious Diseases; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kurtasova Lyudmila Mikhailoma Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Department of Clinical Immunology; Krasnoyrask State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky; Annotation The article presents the results of a year-long monitoring of the children, suffered from infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It was found that in studied children the acute smooth course of the disease was registered in less than 40% of cases, that necessitated immunotherapy in catamnesis of the disease. Has been done a comparative analysis of the effectiveness the repeated immunotherapy of infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, taking into account the individual sensitivity of leucocytes in vitro to interferon-a2 and appointed as standard, in accordance with age-related dosages in reconvalescents at infectious mononucleosis. Keywords: infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr vims, interferon therapy, cell sensitivity, blood leucocytes Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17121 Strelkovich N.N., Medvedeva N.N., Savenkova T.M., Kotikov A.R. OSTEOMETRIC PARAMETERS AND PELVIS FORM IN WOMEN OF KRASNOYARSK CITY IN THE XVII-XVIII CENTURIES Pages: 32-35 . Authors Strelkovich Natalia Nikolaevnа Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Histology; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Medvedeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, the Head of the Department of Anatomy and Histology; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Savenkova Tatiana Mikhailovna Researcher, Department of Paleo-anthropology; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kotikov Alikhan Ruslanovich Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Pathological Anatomy, physician-pathologist; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The paper presents the results of the study the skeletal series of Pokrovsky necropolis that functioned on the territory of Krasnoyarsk in the XVII - XVIII century. Were determined the sex, age, body type of the female population of the past centuries. Were examined osteometric parameters of the pelvis and its forms taking into account individual- typological characteristics of women in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Keywords: skeletal series, physical development, body type, pelviometric indices, pelvis forms Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17116 Bakcheeva S.L., Gorbach N.A., Aljamovsky V.V., Mihaylova L.A. DENTAL HEALTH OF NATIVE AND MIGRANT POPULATION OF EVENKLA USING THE METHOD OF QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION Pages: 36-38 . Authors Bakcheeva S. L. MD, Docent; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; S. L. Bakcheeva Gorbach N. A. Dr.Med.Sc, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Aljamovsky Vasiliy Viktorovich Dr. Med. Sc, Professor, Head of the Dentistry Department of Post-Graduate Education lnstitute; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Mihaylova Lyudmila Arkadevna MD, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation Are given the investigation results of the using the guantitative evaluation of dental health in the population at Evenkia Autonomous Territory. The proposed method for comprehensive assessment of dental health level in adults of young, middle and old ages has a clear and logical structure and mathematical proof, can be used both at the individual level and to assess the dental health of the population. Keywords: dental health, native and migrant populations Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17110 Mihaylova L.A., Shtark E.V. FORMATION OF SENSE OF JUSTICE IN STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY TOWARD HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND ANTISMOKING POLICY Pages: 39-42 . Authors Mihaylova Lyudmila Arkadevna MD, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Shtark Elena Vladimirovna ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation In the article presents the analysis of the sociological questionnaire of 253 students of medical university of both sexes (111 first-year students and 142 graduates). It was identified gender and age (education period) features related to the anti-smoking campaigns at the university, city and country. University educational system, oriented on the health, is aimed to preserve and strengthen health of students. Are discussed the problems of the formation the sense of justice toward a healthy lifestyle through the educational process and active participation in extracurricular activities, such as competitions, projects, voluntary movement. Keywords: students, health, smoking, anti-smoking policy, sense of justice Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17100 Volkova O.V. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF STUDIES OF LEARNED HELPLESSNESS: THE RELEVANCE OF PSYCHOSOMATIC APPROACH Pages: 43-47 . Authors Volkova Olesya Vladimirovna PhD, Associate professor, Clinical psychology and psychotherapy department; Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Address: 9-15, Astrakhanskaya street, 660037; phone: +7 (950) 9950409; E-mai: Annotation The article gives a detailed theoretical and methodological analysis of modern psychological research on the phenomenon of "helplessness". Were described basic approaches to the understanding of the structure, mechanisms of formation, the main conditions that determine the formation of the "learned helplessness" from the viewpoint of both foreign and domestic (Russian) scientific schools. Was touched upon the question of relevance the study of the relationship the phenomenon "learned helplessness" with human physical health during its ontogenetic development. It was raised the problem of the relationship between the level of will development and the specifics of the formation the phenomenon "learned helplessness." Keywords: learned helplessness, ontogenesis, the activity of the person, motivation, cognitive development, will development of the person Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17094 Tepper E.A., Taranushenko T.E., Loginova I.O., Kaskaeva D.S., Grishkevich N.Y., Kustova T.V. FEATURES OF FORMATION AND LEVELS OF MENTAL MATURITY OF SCHOOLCHILDREN WHO STARTED LEARNING AT DIFFERENT AGES Pages: 48-54 . Authors Tepper E. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Taranushenko Tatyana Evgenyevna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Loginova Irina Olegovna PhD Psychology, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 1, Partizan Zheleznyak street, Krasnoyarsk, 660022; phone: +7 (391) 221 91 45; E-mai: Kaskaeva Darya Sergeevna Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Family Medicine and Healthy Lifestyle with Postgraduate Courses; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Grishkevich N. Yu. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kustova T. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation In the present article are given with the peculiarities of mental maturity and indicators of academic achievements in students within ten years of study, depending on the age of beginning the study at school. The level of cognitive processes (activity, independence in the classroom, the formation of the internal plan of activity, the ability to solve problems in the mind) in students who began the education at the age 6 years old, was recorded at a high level, but during the training process this parameter was decreasing. At the children of 7 and 8 years old at the moment of school entry were prevailed average values of these parameters with the increase of their activity during school education. The parameters of arbitrary sphere, the level of voluntary attention, spatial perception, focusing on the task, the amount of logical memory of the children, the level of intellectual development, functional status and operability of schoolchildren who come to school at age of 6 years old, was on the lower level. In the process of learning these options grew, but compared with classmates who began training with 7 and 8 years old, remained at a lower level. Low levels of educational motivation were identified in schoolchildren who have started training with 6 years old age during their study at school. Keywords: schoolchildren, age of beginning the education, mental maturity, educational achievement Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17133 Tereschenko Y.A., Moskov V.I., Lavrova G.D., Zamyatina V.I., Tereschenko S.Y. THROMBOTIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA (MOSCHCOWITZ SYNDROME) Pages: 54-56 . Authors Tereschenko Yuriy Anatolevich Dr. Med. Sc, Professor, consultant of therapeutic clinics; Regional clinical hospital; Moskov Viktor Ivanovich ; Regional clinical hospital; Lavrova G. D. ; Regional clinical hospital; Zamyatina V. I. ; Regional clinical hospital; Tereschenko S. Yu. MD, Professor; Scientific research institute of medical problems of the North, Siberian department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; Annotation Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) - is a rare, severe disease with difficult intravital diagnosing and often with lethal outcome. Here is described a case of intravital diagnosis of TTP. Despite the timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, the disease was refractory to the treatment and resulted in death. Keywords: thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, diagnosis, treatment, outcomes Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17081 Filkin G.N., Dykhno Y.A., Zukov R.A., Gorbunova E.A. LYMPHOGRANULEMATOSIS OF SMALL INTESTINE Pages: 57-58 . Authors Filkin G. N. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Dykhno Yu. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Zukov Ruslan Aleksandrovich Dr.Med.Sc., Head of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Therapy with course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Gorbunova E. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation Lymphogranulematosis is extremely rare localized in the wall of the small intestine. The authors observed three patients with intestinal form of Hodgkin's disease, complicated by perforation and peritonitis. The disease was not accompanied by typical clinical presentation: the increasing of peripheral lymph nodes, splenomegaly, hectic fever, that made it difficult to diagnose. Timely detection of the disease and chemotherapy could help to prevent life-threatening complications of patients. Keywords: lymphogranulematosis, Hodgkin's disease, small intestine, diagnosis, complication Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17069 Pelinovskaya L.I., Demko I.V., Mandrikova О.M., Glizer R.N. THE FREQUENCY AND NATURE OF THE CORONARY ARTERIES LESIONS IN PATIENTS WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Pages: 60-62 . Authors Pelinovskaya Liliya Ivanovna Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine N2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Demko Irina Vladimirovna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases N 2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1; e-mail: demko64@ Mandrikova О. M. ; Krasnoyarsk regional hospital; Glizer R. N. ; Regional clinical hospital; Annotation Purpose - to identify the frequency and nature of the coronary arteries lesions in patients with atrial fibrillation. The diagnosis in all patients was coronary artery disease. From 186 patients in 24.2% coronary arteries were not suffered from atherosclerosis. The etiology of atrial fibrillation (ischemic or idiopathic) had no effect on hemodynamic parameters by echocardiography. Keywords: atrial fibrillation, ischemic heart disease, coronary angiography Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17060 Shtegman O.A., Petrova M.M., Vyrva P.V. GENESIS OF DYSPNEA IN AMBULATORY PATIENTS WITH SUSPECTED TO THE CHRONIC HEART FAILURE Pages: 63-66 . Authors Shtegman Oleg Anatolevich MD, Docent; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Petrova Marina Mikhailovna MD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, Family Medicine and HL with a course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1;тел.:8 (391)2200628; e-mail: Vyrva Polina Vladimirovna ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The study included 378 ambulatory patients with cardiovascular diseases and dyspnea. After examination of the cardiologist and echocardiography with tissue Doppler chronic heart failure (CHF) was confirmed in 63.8%. The patients with CHF had an average 1.35 additional reasons for the occurrence of dyspnea. The test with 6-minute walk was not possible or did not reflect the severity of heart failure in 44% of C HF. The high level of anxiety - the most common cause of dyspnea among cardiac patients without CHF. The investigation presents the problems of interpretation of dyspnea in ambulatory patients with cardiovascular disease. Keywords: dyspnea, chronic heart failure Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17050 ., Petrova M.M., Demko I.V. INFLUENCE OF COMORBID CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE ON QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE Pages: 66-69 . Authors ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Petrova Marina Mikhailovna MD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, Family Medicine and HL with a course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1;тел.:8 (391)2200628; e-mail: Demko Irina Vladimirovna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases N 2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1; e-mail: demko64@ Annotation To study the influence of comorbid disease to the quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among railway workers was conducted a prospective supervision during a year of 32 men aged from 34 to 72 years. It was found that in patients with COPD there is a weak correlation between FEV1 and quality of life of patients and there is a definite correlation between the presence of related cardiovascular disease in patients with COPD and quality of life. Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, quality of life, the railway staff Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17043 Davydov E.L., Harkov E.I. EVALUATION OF SATISFACTION THE QUALITY OF AMBULATORY AND POLYCLINIC MEDICAL CARE IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSION IN THE OLDER AGE GROUPS (ACCORDING TO SOCIOLOGICAL SURVEY) Pages: 70-73 . Authors Davydov Evgeniy Leonardovich PhD; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Harkov Evgeny Ivanovich Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases Propaedeutics and Therapy; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The article presents data on the characteristics of ambulatory-polyclinic care for patients of elderly and senile age with hypertension. Are discussed the results of satisfaction with quality of care, depending on the age and sex of patients. It was found that the most patients in the elderly and senile age are treated in the polyclinic at their registration district. The level of quality of medical care is satisfactory. The most patients can get the doctor not earlier than in 2-7 days from the moment of making an appointment to see a doctor. Keywords: elderly and senile age, hypertension, quality of medical care, a survey, sociological survey Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17067 Shul'min A.V., Kozlov V.V., Kutumuva O.Y., Dobretsova E.A., Arshukova I.L. ASSESSMENT OF THE COSTS OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AT THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY, DUE TO DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH TOBACCO SMOKING Pages: 74-77 . Authors Shul'min Audrey Vladimirovich Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Public Health and Health Care; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; а Kozlov V. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kutumuva O. Yu. ; Krasnoyarsk Regional Centre for Medical Prevention; Dobretsova Elena Aleksandrovna Cand.Med.Sc., Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Public Health and Health Care with the course of Social Work; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Arshukova Irina Leonidovna PhD; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The article describes the value of the health care system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for inpatient and outpatient care due to diseases associated with smoking. In 2012 for the hospitalization associated with smoking were spent 677 million rubles. The cost of outpatient visits associated with smoking totaled 175 million rubles. The total health care cost associated with smoking, exceeded 852 million rubles, that corresponded to 0.1% of annual gross regional product, produced in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Keywords: public health, smoking, relative risk, population attributive risk, the costs of the health care system Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17033 Fedyashev G.A., Dyachenko S. A COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF TORIC AND SPHERICAL INTRAOCULAR LENSES IN PATIENTS WITH BASELINE CORNEAL ASTIGMATISM Pages: 77-79 . Authors Fedyashev G. A. ; Eye Microsurgery Center, Ltd., Vladivostok; Dyachenko S.V. ; Far Eastern State Medical University; Annotation Purpose: to study from the point of view of clinical and economic analysis the effect of implantation of toric and spherical IOL Acrysof to the quality of life of patients with corneal astigmatism, operated on cataracts. The study was conducted using the method of "cost-utility" (CUA- cost-utility analysis) in 110 patients (144 eyes). Values of the "cost / utility" in patients with baseline corneal astigmatism was significantly lower in the group of patients with implanted toric IOL (p <0,01). Implantation of toric IOLs Acrysof Toric in patients with baseline corneal astigmatism can significantly improve the quality of life of patients in this group. Keywords: clinical and economic analysis, toric intraocular lenses, astigmatism Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17025 Getcmanova I.V., Vinogradov K.A. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PROCEEDING PROBLEMS THE COMMISSION OF FORENSIC MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS IN CASES OF HEALTH CARE DEFECTS Pages: 80-82 . Authors Getcmanova I. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Vinogradov Konstantin Anatolevich MD, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation This paper describes the organizational and proceeding problems the commission forensic medical examinations (FME) in criminal and civil cases about defects of medical care that entail the invalidity of expert opinions; were identified the ways of their solutions. Keywords: Iatrogenic, the invalidity of the forensic expert commissions; methods, the forensic expert reports Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17019 . Authors Demko Irina Vladimirovna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases N 2; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1; e-mail: demko64@ Annotation The lecture describes the clinical problems of medication allergy. Are presented modem methods of diagnosis and treatment of medication allergies, as well as ways to prevent the disease. Keywords: allergy, medications Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17015 Turchina J.E., Beloborodov A.A., Danilina E.P. SOME ASPECTS OF THE CLINICAL THINKING FORMING AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Pages: 88-90 . Authors Turchina Janna Evgenevna PhD, Docent; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Beloborodov Alexey Alexandrovich Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant Professor, Department and Clinic of General Surgery named after Prof. Y.M. Lubensky; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Danilina Elena Petrovna Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant Professor of Surgical Clinics and Diseases named after Prof. Y.M. Lubensky; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The article presents the experience of innovative changes that are embedded in the educational process at the teaching of educational practice "Common care for sick adults and children, therapeutic and surgical" for 1st year students of the Faculty of Basic Medical Education in specialty "Pediatrics", with an emphasis to the teaching of unit "Care for surgical patients". Are discussed the aspects of the formation the clinical thinking in undergraduate courses and described the benefits of situational training. Keywords: clinical thinking, situational training, nursing, medical care Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17014 Verkhoturov M.K., Gross Y.V., Gorbunov D.N., Balakhonov V.V., Marchenko A.V., Petrova M.M., Sakovich V.A., Shmatov D.V. EXPERIENCE OF SURGICAL CORRECTION OF ISOLATED LONG-TERM PERSISTING AURICLE FIBRILLATION FORM UNDER EXTRACORPOREAL CIRCULATION Pages: 90-93 . Authors Verkhoturov M. K. ; Krasnoyarsk Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; Gross Y. V. ; Krasnoyarsk Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; Gorbunov Dmitriy Nikolaevich Cand.Med.Sc., Assistant of the Department and Clinic of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Institute of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Balakhonov V. V. ; Krasnoyarsk Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; balaxonovvv@mail Marchenko A. V. ; Krasnoyarsk Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; Petrova Marina Mikhailovna MD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, Family Medicine and HL with a course of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, 1;тел.:8 (391)2200628; e-mail: Sakovich V. A. ; Krasnoyarsk Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; Shmatov D. V. ; Krasnoyarsk Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; Annotation This study presents the first experience of surgical correction of long-term persisting auricle fibrillation form under extracorporeal circulation conducted in our clinic. Were considered the indications for surgical correction and the resu 11 of the operation on the example of a patient with long-term persisting auricle fibrillation. Keywords: auricle fibrillation , surgery, radiofreguency ablation Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 17008 Zykova E.V., Dykhno Y.A., Merkulova N.A. THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF NON-PALPABLE BREAST NEOPLASMS Pages: 93-95 . Authors Zykova E. V. ; Krasnoyarsk regional clinical onkodispanser; Dykhno Yu. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Merkulova N. A. ; Krasnoyarsk regional clinical onkodispanser; Annotation The paper presents the results of mammographic and ultrasound examination of breasts in 12935 women. In 30% of patients were identified non-palpable neoplasms, in 427 (11%) of them - breast cancer. Were identified the most reliable methods of diagnosing of non-palpable neoplasms - a biopsy by the gun-needle system at the nodal forms and vacuum aspiration biopsy in case of gathering the microcalcifications, local strand structure restructuring and edematous-tissue infiltration. Keywords: breast cancer, non-palpable breast neoplasms, fine-needle aspiration biopsy, biopsy by the system gun-needle, vacuum-aspiration biopsy Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16988 Garganeeva N.P., Tyukalova L.I., Lukiyanova M.A., Rakhmatullina Y.A., Isaev Y.P. PROFESSIONAL COOPERATION OF POLYCLINIC THERAPY DEPARTMENT OF SIBSMU AND PRACTICAL HEALTH CARE IN IMPROVING PRIMARY HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Pages: 96-100 . Authors Garganeeva N. P. ; Siberian State Medical University; Tyukalova L. I. ; Siberian State Medical University; Lukiyanova M. A. ; Siberian State Medical University; Rakhmatullina Yu. A. ; Siberian State Medical University; Isaev Yu. P. ; Municipal Budgetary Treatment-Preventive Institution «Polyclinic 10», Tomsk; prlem -305@mlpm Annotation The paper summarizes the results of the joint professional activities of the Polyclinic Therapy Department and the municipal polyclinic No. 10 in Tomsk, which has the status of clinical base of the Siberian State Medical University. On the example of the organization the campaigns with the help of the department staff, the 6th course students, doctors-interns on the theme of the early detection and prevention of number of socially significant diseases was discussed a perspective form of effective realization of targeted prevention programs at various levels to improve the quality of primary health care. Thanks to the active assistance of the Department, since 2004 more than 5,500 patients were involved into the activity. Keywords: Polyclinic Therapy Department, preventative programs, campaigns, primary health care Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16973 Zlakazov O.V. ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN FORUM OF MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS AND WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (EFMA/WHO) Pages: 100-102 . Authors Zlakazov Oleg Vladimirovich ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation A brief report about European Forum of Medical Associations and WHO (EFMA / WHO). Were reflected the main topics of workshops and sessions of the Forum. It was shown the role of corporate mechanisms, medical community and national medical organizations and associations in the management of health care, in discussion of major challenges, threats and opportunities in European medicine and medical corporate environment, in rising of the quality of medical care. Keywords: corporate management, the medical community, self-governing in health care Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16962 Serova E.V. THE SUMMARY OF THE 77TH STUDENT CONFERENCE, DEVOTED TO THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF PROFESSOR P.G. MAKAROV AND TO THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR В. M. ZELMANOVICH Pages: 103-106 . Authors Serova E. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16958 Gorbach N.A. REVIEW OF DISSERTATION TOPICS THAT WERE SUBMITTED IN 2012 BY THE COMMITTEE OF DISSERTATION DEFENSE D 208.037.03 IN SPECIALTY 14.01.14 - STOMATOLOGY 14.02.03 - SOCIAL HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE; 14.01.11 - NERVOUS DISEASES Pages: 107-112 . Authors Gorbach N. A. Dr.Med.Sc, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16956 Kochetova L.V. REVIEW OF DISSERTATION TOPICS THAT WERE SUBMITTED IN 2012 BY THE COMMITTEE OF DISSERTATION DEFENSE FOR THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE OF SCIENCE, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE D 208.037.02 IN SPECIALTY 14.03.01 - HUMAN ANATOMY Pages: 112-115 . Authors Kochetova Lyudmila Victorovna Cand.Med.Sc., Associate Professor of the chair of general surgery, Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 208.037.05; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16953 . Authors Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 16952 |
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Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53
Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist
Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33
Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist
Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39
Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist