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Сибирское медицинское обозрение. 2014. № 3 View full text Количество просмотров : 9762Shuvaev A.N., Grinev I.P., Hirai H. STATIC MUTATION IN PATHOGENESIS OF SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIAS: FROM PRIVATE TO GENERAL (REPORT II) Pages: 5-10 Shuvaev A. N., Grinev I. P., Hirai H. Static mutations in the pathogenesis of spinocerebellar ataxias: from particular to general (Report II). Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 5-10. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-5-10 Authors Shuvaev Anton Nikolaevich PhD, Cand. Med. Sci.; Gunma University Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Grinev I. P. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Hirai H. ; Gunma University Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Annotation The second part of the review presents results of the specific molecular pathological mechanisms of SCAs caused by static mutations. Keywords: spinocerebellar ataxias, static mutations Reference List: 1. 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Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Chernova Anna Alexandrovna Cand. Med. Sci. Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases № 1; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Bolshakova T. Yu. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Fok Yu. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Orlova N. M. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation In the review are presented the literature data, indicating the genetic determination of rheumatoid arthritis. Also here is the definition of such pathology, describes the main symptoms of the disease, the genes that influence to the development of rheumatoid arthritis and its polymorphisms. Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis genes Reference List: 1. Burmistrova A.L., Koneva E.P., Suslova T.A., Vavilov M.N. Devald .V. 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Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24543 Platunova I.M., Nikulina S.Y., Cherkashina I.I., Maksimov V.N., Aksutina N.V., Nikulin D.A., Chernova A.A. ASSOCIATION OF ALLELIC VARIANTS OF THE GENE CYP17A1 WITH STROKE RISK Pages: 19-24 Platunova I. M., Nikulina S. Yu., Cherkashina I. I., Maksimov V. N., Aksutina N. V., Nikulin D. A., Chernova A. A. Association of allelic variants of the gene CYP17A1 with stroke risk. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 19-24. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-19-24 Authors Platunova I. M. ; Krasnoyarsk Interregional Clinical Hospital № 20 named after I. S. Berzon, Krasnoyarsk; Nikulina Svetlana Yurievna Dr.Med.Sc., Professor, Head of Department of Internal Diseases №1, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Cherkashina Irina Ivanovna Dr.Med.Sc., Associate Professor of Department of Internal Diseases №1; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Maksimov Vladimir Nikolaevich Dr.Med.Sc. Associate Professort; Head of the Laboratory of Molecular genetic studies of internal diseases; Novosibirsk State Medical University; Research Institute of Therapy of the Russian Academy of Medical Science; Aksutina N. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Nikulin Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases with a medical rehabilitation course PE; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Chernova Anna Alexandrovna Cand. Med. Sci. Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases № 1; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. Study of relationship between genetic marker rs1004467 gene CYP17A1 with a predisposition to the development of severe course of hypertension complicated by stroke. Materials and Methods. The study included 184 patients with hypertension complicated by stroke. The comparison group consisted of 251 patients with stage III hypertension, risk 4 without stroke. As a control was used population selection of healthy individuals, residents of Novosibirsk in the amount of 157 people. Results. Was found the relationship of AA genotype rs1004467 gene CYP17A1 with severe hypertension, complicated by stroke. AG genotype showed a protective effect in the development of the disease Keywords: single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) gene CYP17A1, rs1004467, hypertension, stroke, risk factors Reference List: 1. Gaifulina R.F., Katina M.N., Rizvanova F.F., Kravtsova O.A., Rizvanov A.A. The role of genetic polymorphism in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular diseases // Kazan Medical Journal. 2012. Vol. 93, №. 4. P. 663-667. 2. Gilep I.L., Ivanchikova N.N., Rybin. I.L., Gilep A.A. Inter-relation of structural polymorphism gene CYP17A1 (C - T34) with biochemical and bioenergetic characteristics of a human // Vestnik of the Found for Fundamental Research. 2009. №. 4. P. 118-125. 3. Zelinskaya N.B. Adrenal insufficiency in children // Health of Ukraine. Thematic Issue. 2013. № 4. P. 61-64. 4. Kofiadi I.A., Kadochnikova V.V., Trofimov D.Yu., Alekseev L.P. The frequency of occurrence of 65 clinically significant single nucleotide polymorphisms in healthy representatives of the Russian population // Molecular Medicine. 2011. № 2. P. 47-52. 5. Maksimov V.N., Voevoda M.I., Nikitin Yu.P., Malyutina S.K., Orlov P.S. Associative analysis of genetic markers with hypertension // Abstracts of the Congress «Hypertension». М., 2010. P. 86. 6. National guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension // Cardiovascular therapy and prevention. 2008. Vol. 7, № 6. Att. 2. P. 10-11. 7. Ponomarenko T.I., Sychev D.A., Chikalo A.O., Berdnikova N.G., Kukes V.G. Cytochrome P-450 system in the lungs, in the pathogenesis and pharmacodynamics of drugs // Pharmaco-kinetics and pharmacodynamics. 2012. № 1. P. 25-28. 8. Bersano A., Ballabio E., Bresolin N. Genetics polymorphism for thestady of multifactorial stroke // Hum. Mutation. 2008. Vol. 29, № 6. P. 776-795. 9. Bland J. M., Altman D. G. Statistics notesс // Br. Med. J. 2000. Vol. З20, № 7247. P. 1468. 10. Funder L. W. The genetic basis of primoryaldosteronism // Cur. Hypertens.Rep. 2012. Vol. 14. P. 120-124. 11. Juchau M., Boutelet-BochanH., HuangY. Cytochrome P-450- dependent biotrasformation of xenobiotics in human and rodent embryonic tissues // Drug Metabolism Reviews.1998. Vol. З0, № З. P. 541-568. 12. Han B., Liu W., Zuo Cl., Zhu H., Xu C., Wang ., Lui BL., Pan CV., Lu Yl., Wu WL., Chen VD., Song HD., Cheng KX., Qiao J. Identifying a novel mutation o f CYP17A1 gene from five Chinese 17а- hydroxylase/17, 20-lyase deficiency patients // Gene. 201З. Vol. 516, № 2. P. ЗЗ45-ЗЗ50. 13. Lanktree M.B., Dichgans B.M., Hegele R. A. Advance in genomic analysis of stroke. What have we learned and where are we headed? // Stroke. 2010. Vol. 41, № 4. Р. 825-8З2. 14. Li X., Ling Y., Z . Lu., Lui Y ., Chen H., Gao X. Common polymorphism rs 111911548 nea the CYP17A1 gene is associated with hypertension and systolic blood pressure in the Han Chinese population // Hypertension. 201З. Vol. 26, № 4. P. 465-472. 15. Shin B. S., Oh Y.S., Kim Y. S., K. W. Kim. The paraox onase gene polymorphism stroke patients and lipid profile // Acta Neurol. Scand. 2008. Vol. 117, № 4. P. 2З7-24З. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24525 Khoshimov S.U., Ahmedova S.S., Kan L.E., Shek A.B. THE INFLUENCE OF ROSUVASTATIN AND ATORVASTATIN ON APOLIPOPROTEIN LEVEL AND MARKERS OF INFLAMMATION IN PATIENTS WITH UNSTABLE STENOCARDIA Pages: 24-29 Khoshimov Sh. U., Ahmedova Sh. S., Kan L. E., Bekmetova F. M., Shek A. B. The influence of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on apolipoprotein level and markers of inflammation in patients with unstable stenocardia. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 24-29. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-24-29 Authors Khoshimov Sh. U. ; Tashkent republic specialized center of cardiology of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Ahmedova Sh. S. ; Tashkent republic specialized center of cardiology of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Kan L. E. ; Tashkent republic specialized center of cardiology of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Shek A. B. ; Tashkent republic specialized center of cardiology of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Annotation The aim of the research. To study in a comparative perspective the impact of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on apolipoprotein level and markers of inflammation in the three-month treatment in patients with unstable stenocardia. Material and Methods. In the comparative randomized cross open study were included 74 patients with unstable stenocardia (IIB class, by E. Braunwald) of 35-74 years old, with the cholesterol level of low density lipoprotein (LDL-C)> 100 mg / dL. To the first group of patients was prescribed the treatment with atorvastatin 20-40 mg / day. The second group received rosuvastatin 10-20 mg / day. The content of lipids, apolipoproteins A-I, B, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was determined by biochemical autoanalyzer "Daytona» (RANDOX, Great Britain). Results. Three-month treatment with atorvastatin in titrated doses of 20-40 mg / day (I group) and rosuvastatin 10-20 mg / day (IIgroup) gave comparable results to reducing total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides; target level LDL-C < 100 mg/ dL was achieved in 56 % and 60 % of cases. However, at prescribing rosuvastatin was detected statistically more significant increase of the level of high density lipoproteids, decrease in apolipoprotein B, increase apolipoprotein A level and a marked de¬crease ratio of apo B / apo A - at 25% compared to atorvastatin. Both drugs reduced the level of high-sensitive C- reactive protein. Conclusion. The results broaden the the possibility of using rozuvostatin in clinical practice, especially in patients with high risk of cardiovascular complications. Keywords: unstable angina, rosuvastatin, apolipoproteins A and B, high sensitive C-reactive protein Reference List: 1. Baigent C., Blackwell L., Emberson J., Holland L.E., Reith C., Bhala R., Peto R., Barnes E.H., Keech A., Simes J., Collins R. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration. Efficacy and safety of more intensive lowering of LDL cholesterol: a meta-analysis of data from 170 000 participants in 26 randomised trials // Lancet. 2010. Vol. 376. P. 1670-1681. 2. Betteridge D., Gibson J., Sager Ph. Comparison of Effectiveness of Rosuvastatin Versus Atorvastatin on the Achievement of Combined C-Reactive Protein (< 2 mg/L) and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (<70 mg/dl) Targets in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (from the ANDROMEDA Study) // Am. J. Cardiol. 2007. Vol. 100. P. 1245-1248. 3. Bhatt D.B., Peterson E.D., Harrington R.A., Ou F., Patil P., Gibson M.C., Kleiman S.N., Brindis G.R. Prior polyvasculardisease: risk factor for adverse ischaemic outcomes in acute coronary syndromes // Eur. Heart J. 2009. Vol. 30. P. 1195-1202. 4. Clearfield М., Kallend P., Palmer M. Efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin 10 mg versus atorvastalin 20 mg: results of the PULSAR study // Atheroscl. Suppl. 2005. Vol. 6. P. 104. 5. Jones P.H., Davidson M.H., Stein Е., Bays H.E., McKenneyJ.M., Miller E., Cain V.A., Blasetto J.W. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin versus atorvastalin, simvastatin, and pravastatin across doses (STELLAR Trial) // Am. J. Cardiol. 2003. Vol. 92. P. 152-160. 6. Jones P.H., Hunninghake D.B., Ferdinand K.C., Stein E.A., Gold A., Caplan R.J., Blasetto J.W. Statin Therapies for Elevated Lipid Levels Compared Across Doses to Rosuvastatin Study Group. Effects of rosuvastatin versus atorvastatin, simvastatin, and pravastatin on non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoproteins, and lipid ratios in patients with hypercholesterolemia: additional results from the STELLAR trial // Clin. Ther. 2004. Vol. 26, № 9. P. 1388-1399. 7. Kastelein J.P., Stein E.S., Davidson M.A., Braeckman R.A. Simvastatin increases HDL-C and Apolipoprotein A-l levels significantly more than atorvastatine // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2000. Vol. 35, № 2. P. 115-118. 8. Kearney P.M., Blackwell Collins R., Keech A., Simes J., Peto R., Armitage J., Baigent C. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaborators. Efficacy of cholesterol-lowering therapy in 18.686 people with diabetes in 14 randomised trials of statins: a metaanalysis // Lancet. 2008. Vol. 371. P. 117-125. 9. I.ablanche J.M., Leone A., Merkely B., Morais J., Alonso J., Santini M., Eha J., Demil N., Licour M., Tardif L.C. Comparison of the efficacy 34. of rosuvaslatin versus atorvastatin in reducing apolipoprotcin В/ apolipoprotcin A-1 ratio in patients with acutc coronary syndrome: results of the CENTAURUS study // Arch. Cardiovasc. Dis. 2010. Vol. 103. P. 160-169. 10. McKenney J.M., Jones P.H., Adamczyk M.A., Cain V.A., Bryzinski B.S., Blasetto J.W. Comparison of the efficacy of rosuvastatin versus atorvastalin, simvastatin, and pravastatin in achieving lipid goals: results from the STELLAR trial // Curr. Med. Res. Opin. 2003. Vol. 19. P. 689-698. 11. Petersen S., Peto V., Scarborough P., Rayner M. Coronary Heart Disease Statistics - 2005 edition, British. Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, Department of Public Health. University of Oxford, 2006. P. 22. 12. Schuster H., Fox J.C. Investigating cardiovascular risk reduction-the Rosuvastatin GALAXY Programm // Exp. Opin. Pharmacother. 2004. Vol. 5, № 5. P. 1187-1200. 13. Schuster H. The Galaxy Program: an update on studies investigating efficacy and tolerability of rosuvastatin for reducing cardiovascular risk // Expert. Rev. Cardiovasc. Ther. 2007. Vol. 5, № 2. P. 177-193. 14. Stalenhoef A. F., Ballantyne C.M., Sarii C., Myrin J., Tonstad S., Rose H., Wilpshaar W.A. Comparative study with rosuvaslatin in subjects with METabolic Syndrome: results of the 37. COMETS study // Eur. Heart. 2005. Vol. 26. P. 2664-2672. 15. Yusuf S., Hawken S., Ounpuu S., Dans T., Avezum A., Lanas F., McQueen M., Budaj A., Pais P., Varigos J. on behalf of the INTERHEART Study Investigators. Effect of potentially risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): case-control study. Published online September 3, 2004. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24598 Gerilovich L.A., Bazina М.И., Yegorova A.T., Morgun A.V., Trostyanskaya A.V. EFFICIENCY OF THE SUPPORTING REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS DEPENDING ON QUALITY OF OOCYTES AND EMBRYOS Pages: 29-33 Gerilovich L. A., Bazina M. I., Yegorova A. T., Morgun A. V., Trostyanskaya A. V. Efficiency of the supporting reproductive technology programs depending on quality of oocytes and embryos. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 29-33. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-29-33 Authors Gerilovich L. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Bazina Марина Ивановна Cand.Med.Sc, Associate Professor ofthe Departmet of Obstetrics and Gynecology ofthe Institute of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Yegorova Antonina Timofeyema Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Institute of Post-Diploma Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Morgun Andrei Vasil’evich Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant of Pediatric Department; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Trostyanskaya A. V. ; «Medical center of gynecologic endocrinology and reproduction «Three hearts»; Annotation The aim of the research. To investigate the effect of oocytes and embryos quantity and quality at the effectiveness of ART programs in patients with various forms of infertility. Materials and Methods. Were examined 179 married couples, divided into groups according to the shape of infertility: тuboperitoneal (TPF, n = 122) endocrine form (EF, n = 23) and male factor group (MF, n = 36) - the control group. It was exam¬ined the steroid and gonadotropin-releasing hormone levels, ovarian response, the number and quality of oocytes and embryos. Results. Were obtained enough quantity of mature oocytes and embryos of high and medium quality. Pregnancy rate in group TPF - 40.7%, group EF - 23.3%, and group MF - 45%. Conclusion. At the endocrine form of infertility implantation rate is the lowest, that is due to the direct influence of endocrine factor on the state of the female reproductive system. Keywords: infertility, ovarian response, the effectiveness of ART programs Reference List: 1. Boyarsky K.Yu., Gaidukov S.N., Chinchaladze A.S. Factors, determined the ovarian reserve of the woman // Journal of Obstetrics and women's diseases. 2009. № 2. P. 65-71. 2. Gromenko Yu.Yu., Iskhakov I.R. The influence of the quality assessment factors of transferred embryos to the fore casting of pregnancy rate in IVF programs // Medical Journal of Bashkortostan. 2012. № 2. P. 27-30. 3. Zhordanidze D.O., Nazarenko T.A., Fanchenko N.D. The influence of the ovarian reserve to the parameters of induced cycle // Problems of reproduction. 2011. № 2. P. 63-68. 4. Guide on Clinical Embryology / Under ed. V.S. Korsak.М.: МК, 2011. P.224. 5. Nazarenko T.A. Stimulation of ovarian function. M.: MEDpress-Inform, 2008. P. 272. 6. Broekmans F.J., Kwee J., Hendriks D.J., Mol B.W., Lam-balk C.B. A systematic review of tests predicting ovarian reserve and IVF outcome // Hum. Reprod. Update. 2006. Vol. 12, № 6. P. 685-718. 7. Loendersloot L.L., Wely M., Limpens J., Bossuyt P.M., Repping S., Veen F. Predictive factors in in vitro fertilization (IVF): a systematic review and meta-analysis // Hum. Reprod. Update. 2010. Vol. 16, № 6. P. 577-589. 8. Mendez-Lozano D.H., Fanchin R., Basille C., Hesters L., Achour-Frydman N., Frydman R. Tactics of treatment the women with a bad ovarian response to stimulation of superovulation in programs ART // Probl. Reproduction. 2008. № 1. P 37-41. 9. Mol B.W., Verhagen T.E.M., Hendriks D.J., Collins J.A., Coomarasamy A., Opmeer B.C., Broekmans F.J. Value of ovarian reserve testing before IVF: a clinical decision analysis // Hum. Reprod. 2006. Vol. 21, № 7. P. 1816-1823. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24596 Pomorgaylo E.G., Potrokhova E.A. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GASTRIC MUCOSA OF THE TEENAGERS INFECTED BY DIFFERENT STRAINS OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI Pages: 33-38 Pomorgaylo E. G., Potrokhova E. A. Morphological characteristics of the gastric mucosa of the teenagers infected by different strains of Helicobacter pylori. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 33-38. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-33-38 Authors Pomorgaylo E. G. ; Omsk state medical academy; elenapom@ Potrokhova E. A. ; Omsk state medical academy; potrochova@ Annotation The aim of the research. To examine the morphological features of the gastric mucosa of teenagers infected by the different strains of Helicobacter pylori (HP). Materials and Methods. Biopsies antral mucosa and gastric body of 82 teenagers infected by HP. HP genotyping was performed by PCR method. Proliferation and apoptosis were determined by immunohistochemistry. Results. Severe inflammatory infiltration of the lamina propria of the gastric mucosa and increased epithelial cell renewal indi¬cators was determined at infectioning cagA (+), babA2 (+) and iceA1 (+) by strains of HP. Significant increasing of apoptosis of epithelial cells index is also observed in infecting vacAs1 (+) or vacAs2 (+) by strains of bacteria, that, however, is not accompanied by the parallel increasing of the proliferation of these cells. Conclusion. The features of the gastric mucosa lesions of teenagers at HP infecting are defined by genetic variants of infect strains. Keywords: stomach, Helicobacter pylori, strains Reference List: 1. Isakov V.A., Domoradsky I.V. Helicobacter pylori infection. M.: Medical practice, 2003. P.37-39. 2. Kononov A.V. Genetic regulation and phenotype of inflammation at Helicobacter pylori - infection // Archives of Pathology. 2009. № 5. P. 57-63. 3. Maev I.V., Govorun V.M. A Achievements of the molecular genetics in gastroenterology // Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. 2004.№ 3. P.13-21. 4. Achtman M.M., Zurth K., Morelli G., Torrea G., Guiyoule A., Carniel E. Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, is a recently emerged clone of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1999. Vol. 96, № 24. P. 14043-14048. 5. Cover T.L., Krishna U.S., Israel D.A., Peek R.M.Jr. Induction of gastric epithelial cell apoptosis by Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin // Cancer Res. 2003. Vol. 63, № 5. P. 951-957. 6. De Freitas D., Urbano M., Goulao M.H. Donato M.M., Baldaia C., Martins M.I., Souto P., Gregorio C., Figueiredo P., Gouveia H., Romaozinho J.M. The effect of Helicobacter pylori infection on apoptosis and cell proliferation in gastric epithelium // Hepatogastroenterology. 2004. Vol. 51, № 57. P. 876-882. 7. Figueiredo C., van Doorn L. J., Nogueira C., Soares J.M., Pinho C., Figueira P., Quint W.G., Carneiro F. Helicobacter pylori genotypes are associated with clinical outcome in Portuguese patient and reveal a high prevalence of infection with multiple strains // Scand. J. Gastrointerol. 2001. Vol. 36. P.128-135. 8. Isreal D.A., Peek R.M The role of persistence in Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis // Gastroenterol. 2006. № 22. P. 3-7. 9. Maaroos H.I., Vorobjova Т., Sipponen P. Tammur R., Uibo R., Wadstrom T., Keevallik R., Villako K. An 18-year follow-up study of chronic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori association of CagA positivity with developmen of atrophy and activity of gastritis // Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 1999. Vol. 34. P. 864-869. 10. Moss S.F., Sordillo E.M., Abdalla A.M., Makarov V., Hanzely Z., Perez-Perez G.I., Blaser M.J., Holt P.R. Increased gastric epithelial cell apoptosis associated with colonization with cagA+ Helicobacter pylori strains // Cancer Res.2001. Vol. 61. P. 1406-1417. 11. Mukhopadhyay A.K., Kersulyte D., Jeong J.Y. Distinc-tiveness of genotypes of Helicobacter pylori in Calcutta, India // J. Bacteriol. 2000. Vol. 182, № 11. P. 3219-3227. 12. Peek R.M.Jr. Helicobacter pylori infection and disease: from human to animal models // Dis. Model Mech. 2008.Vol. 1, № 1. P. 50-55. 13. Zheng P.Y., Hua L., Yeoh K.G. Association of peptic ulcer with increased expression of Lewis antigen but not cagA, iceA and vacA in Helicobacter pylori isolates in an Asian population // Gut. 2000. Vol. 47, № 1. P. 18-22. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24521 Tepper E.A., Taranushenko T.E., Grishkevich N.Y., Kaskaeva D.S., Kustova T.V. SPECIAL FEATURES OF EARLY ANAMNESIS IN CHILDREN START SCHOOLING AT DIFFERENT AGES Pages: 38-43 Tepper E. A., Taranushenko T. E., Grishkevich N. Yu., Kaskaeva D. S., Kustova T. V. Special features of early anamnesis in children start schooling at different ages. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 38-43. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-38-43 Authors Tepper E. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Taranushenko Tatyana Evgenyevna Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Grishkevich N. Yu. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kaskaeva Darya Sergeevna Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Family Medicine and Healthy Lifestyle with Postgraduate Courses; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kustova T. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. To evaluate features of early anamnesis of children who start learning at different ages, to clarify the reasons that may predetermine the schooling start and to consider the hypothesis of a possible relationship between age of beginning the schooling and number and age of sibs in the family. Materials and Methods. School-age children. Were examined 437 children, questionnaire method. Results. The study clarified some factors of early anamnesis that, with high probability, influence to somatic-psychological well-being of the child, determine the age of beginning the schooling and deserve attention in the evaluation of readiness to schooling. Conclusion. It is proved the significant influence to the children's development and readiness for schooling the anthropometry indicators at birth and features of mental status in the first year of life. Has not been confirmed the relationship of the age, when schooling began, and the number of children in the family, siblings age and features of the intrapartum period. Keywords: anamnesis, schooling, age Reference List: 1. Avdeev M.S., Tulyakova O.V. Influence of perinatal factors on the development of motor functions of the first-formers // Pediatrics. 2012. Vol. 91, № 2. P. 132-135. 2. Borovik T.E., Gribakin S.G., Zvonkova N.G., Skvortsova V.A., Stepanova T.N., Shmakova S.G. Nutrition and brain development: the role of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids // Pediatrics. 2012. Vol. 91, № 2. P. 70-72. 3. Veltischev Yu.E. Problems of protection the children health in Russia // Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics. 2000. № 1. P. 5-9. 4. Vorontsov I.M. Regularities of physical development of children and methods of assessment. L.: Publishing House LPMI, 1986. P. 56. 5. Vorontsov I.M., Mazurin A.V. Propaedeutics. M.: Foliant, 2009. P. 1001. 6. Gurbo T.L. Biosocial conditionality of physical development indicators of children 4-7 years old (according to the results of multiple regression analysis) // Scientific Almanac of the Department of Anthropology. Issue 5.M., Encyclopedia of Russian villages, 2006. P. 68-82. 7. Deryabin V.E., Crans V.M., Fedotova T.K. Growth processes in children from birth to 7 years: intragroup and intergroup aspects. Manuscript deposited in VINITI. № 234 - 2005 dd. 17.02.2005. P. 287. 8. Deryabin V.E., Fedotova T.K., Gorbacheva A.K. Influence of some biological factors to the somatic status of children 3-5 years old // Pediatrics. 2007. Vol. 86, № 5.P. 64-68. 9. Zakharova I.N., Lykina E.V. Consequences of wrong feeding of children // The Questions of Current Pediatrics. 2007. Vol. 6, № 1. P. 40-45. 10. Zhukova E.A., Chetverekova E.V., Tulyakova O.V., Kononova T.N.,, Tsirkin V.I., Trukhina S.I., Fedorova Yu.P., Kuligina N.V. Influence of adverse technogenic factors on the state of intellectual and sensory systems of the brain of junior schoolchildren // Materials of the XXI International Symposium «Ecological-Physiol. problems of adaptations. Moscow, 2003. P. 194-195. 11. Kaganova T.I., Romanova V.D. Benefits of breastfeeding // Russian Journal of Pediatrics. 2006. № 5. P. 3-4. 12. Kislitsyna O.A. Factors of health in junior and secondary school age // Information-analytical bulletin «Social Aspects of Public Health». 2009. Vol. 9, № 1. P.1 15. 13.Tulyakova O.V., Khlybova S.V., Tsirkin V.I. Influence of birth weight pathology to the especially on feature of the physical development and morbidity in children during the first seven years of life // Medical almanac. 2008.№ 5. P. 153-157. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24504 Fokas N.N., Levenets A.A., Gorbach N.A. DESCRIPTION OF INJURIES THE MAXILLOFACIAL AREA IN ADULTS AND ANALYSIS OF PRACTICE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY ON MATERIALS OF KGBUZ KKB (KRASNOYARSK) Pages: 44-48 Fokas N. N., Levenets A. A., Gorbach N. A. Description of injuries the maxillofacial area in adults and analysis of practice in the department of maxillofacial surgery on materials of KGBUZ KKB (Krasnoyarsk). Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 44-48. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-44-48 Authors Fokas N. N. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Levenets Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Doct.Med.Sc., Professor of maxillo-surgery Department; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Gorbach N. A. Dr.Med.Sc, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. To study the dynamics and characteristics of injuries of the maxillofacial area in the adult population, consider the structure of cranio-maxillo-facial lesions. Materials and Methods. Were analyzed the data of five-year period about 1738 patients with lesions of the facial bones and cranial-maxillofacial trauma. Were studied the following parameters: number of patients that left the hospital, the number of patients with fractures of the facial skeleton, the average bed-day of the Department, the average bed-day of patient with fractures of the facial skeleton, structure of the injuries of maxillofacial region. Results. The proportion of patients with fractures of the facial bones during the study period was 34.4%. The average period of the treatment in the hospital bed decreased from 12.2 in 2008 to 9.0 in 2012. Among the injuries are prevailed the mandibular fractures. Conclusion. Share of the patients with facial fractures among all patients was consistently high. There was an increase in 1.6 times of the patients with traumatic maxillofacial trauma. Keywords: injuries, maxillofacial trauma, cranio-maxillo-facial trauma, specialized care Reference List: 1. Abramov N.V., Sharakhov E. F. Major indicators of injury in the Kemerovo region // Siberian medical review.2013. № 2 (80). Р. 41-44 . 2. Bosco O. Y., Malanin D. A., Yermolayeva N. K. Problems training prehospital and hospital care to treat patients with multiple injuries // 1st congress of Emergency Medicine: Proceedings of the Congress. T. 225. M. : Institute of Emergency Care . N. V. Sklifosofskiy, 2012. Р. 14. 3. Bumay A. O. Modern problems of diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients multifocal brain damage with combined craniocerebral trauma // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. 2008. № 5. Р. 54-63 . 4. Vafina I. I. Medical and social problems of maxillo- facial injuries (based on materials of Kazan) : Author. dis. ... cand. med. sciences . Kazan, 2005. P. 20. 5. State report on the state of public health and health care activities of the Krasnoyarsk Region in 2012. Krasnoyarsk, 2013. P. 344. 6. Gumanenko E. K., Kozlov V. K. Multiple injuries: traumatic illness , immune system dysfunction . Modern treatment strategies. M.: GEOTAR - Media , 2008. P. 608. 7. Karpov S. M., Hristoforando D. Y. 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Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24500 Zharikov A.N., Lubyansky V.G., Kobzev I.V., Kandaev A.V. COMPUTER EXPERT SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING THE PROGNOSIS OF POSTOPERATIVE PERITONITIS AND CHOICE OF SURGERY METHOD Pages: 48-54 Zharikov A. N., Lubyansky V. G., Kobzev I. V., Kandaev A. V. Computer expert system for determining the prognosis of postoperative peritonitis and choice of surgery method. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 48-54. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-48-54 Authors Zharikov A. N. ; Altai State Medical University; Lubyansky V. G. ; Altai State Medical University; Kobzev I. V. ; Polzunov Altai State Technical University; Kandaev A. V. ; Altai State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. To develop a computer expert system to evaluate the severity of postoperative diffuse peritonitis (PDP) with definition of further surgical tactics. Materials and Methods. Were used 25 conventional medical indicators combined into 4 groups of clinical - diagnostic criteria. Ranking of weighting coefficients for each of the criteria within and between different groups of 80 patients with PRP helped to significant allocation, immaterial and critical deviations. Results. As was increased the per cent of level the critical and significant changes (over 65%) were identified persistent or absolute indications for programmable sanations of abdomen, during which, after resection of the small intestine was solved the question about the primary or delayed anastomosis or refusal of the imposing anastomosis and enterostomy outputing. Conclusion. Computer expert system allows to objectify dynamics of PDP, and to determine the indications for the transition to a different surgical approach. Keywords: postoperative peritonitis, computer expert system Reference List: 1. Abdominal surgical infection. Russian national recommendations / Ed. V.S. Savelyev, B.R. Gelfand. M.: Borges, 2011. P. 99. 2. Aksenova N.N., Akhmerov F.R., Maleev M.V. Mannheimer Peritonitis-Index in predicting postoperative complications in patients with peritonitis // General Intensive Care. 2009. Vol. V, № 1. P. 32-36. 3. Borisov D.B., Nedashkovsky E.V. 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Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24485 Sukhorukov A.M., Popov A.E., Sled N.Y., Popov S.A., Chernykh A.I. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF PREVENTIVE MEASURES TO PREVENT PURULENT COMPLICATIONS AT DESTRUCTIVE PANCREATITIS Pages: 55-58 Sukhorukov A. M., Popov A. Ye., Sled N. Yu., Popov S. A., Chernykh A. I. Clinical aspects of preventive measures to prevent purulent complications at destructive pancreatitis. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 55-58. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-55-58 Authors Sukhorukov A. M. ; FSBI SRI of medical problems of the North SB under the RAMS; Popov Alexander Evgenyevich Cand.Med.Sc, Associate Professor of the Department and Clinic of Surgical Diseases named after Professor A. M. Dykhno with the Course of Endoscopy and Endosurgery; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Sled Nikolay Yuryevich Head ofthe Surgical Department of the Nubicipal Clinical Hospital № 20 named after I. S. Berzon; Clinical Hospital № 20 named after I. S. Berzon; Popov S. A. ; 3KSBIH Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital № 20 named after I. S. Berzon; Chernykh A. I. ; KSBIH Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital № 20 named after I. S. Berzon; Annotation The aim of the research. Elaboration of measures aimed at preventing the development of infected pancreatic necrosis, using the methods of "minimally invasive" surgery for reducing the number of necrotic complications. Materials and Methods. Results of treatment of 165 patients with destructive pancreatitis. Results. Was suggested the complex of measures for the prevention of infection pancreatic necrosis with local antibiotics using novocaine blockades with puncture technologies under ultrasound examination and CT and basic medical care. Conclusion. The developed tactics of treatment the patients with destructive pancreatitis is aimed at early prevention of necrotic complications of pancreatic necrosis and reduces mortality to 16.4%. Keywords: infected pancreatic necrosis, retroperitoneal novocaine blockade, puncture methods Reference List: 1. Bensman V.M., Savchenko Yu.P., Golikov I.V., Chaykin V.V. Choosing tactical decisions in surgery macrofocal of infected pancreatic necrosis // Surgery. 2013. № 4. P. 38-42. 2. Vinokurov M.M., Savelyev V.V., Khlebny E.S., Kershengolts B.M. Comprehensive assessment of the level of endogenous intoxication in patients with sterile pancreatic necrosis phase // Surgery. 2012. № 10. P. 21-26. 3. Zatevakhin I.I., Tsitsiashvili M.Sh., Budurova L.D. Pancreatic necrosis (diagnosis, prognosis, treatment). M., 2007. P. 224. 4. Kubyshkin V.A. Pancreatonecrosis // Annals of surgical hepatology. 2000. № 2. P. 67-68. 5. Miller S.V., Vinnick Yu.S., Teplyakova O.V. Treatment of patients with acute destructive pancreatitis. // Surgery. № 5. 2012. P. 24-30. 6. Parfenov I.P., Yarosh A.L., Soloshenko A.V. Forecast of development of acute biliary pancreatitis // Surgery. 2011.№ 8. P. 47-50. 7. Savelyev V.S., Filimonov M.I., Burnevich S.Z. Pancreatonecrosis. M.: Medical News Agency, 2008. P. 264. 8. Sukhorukov, A.M., Popov A.E., Sled N.Y., Popov S.A. Tactics of treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis // Proceedings of the VII Russian Conference of general surgeons with international participation, together with the Plenum problem commissions «Emergency surgery» and «Infection in Surgery» Interdepartmental Scientific Council of Medical Sciences And Health Minister. Krasnoyarsk: KrasGMU, 2012. P. 203-205. 9. Tolstoy A.D., Bagnenko S.F., Krasnorogov V.B. Acute pancreatitis (diagnostic and treatment protocols) // Surgery. 2005. № 7. P. 19-23. 10. Cherdantsev D.V., Harutyunyan Al.V., Harutyunyan Arm.V. State of the problem of acute pancreatitis in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk region // Bulletin of the East-Siberian scientific center. 2011. № 4. Р. 310-313. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24482 Popenko N.V., Loginova I.O. PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS AFTER RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY ON THE ARTERIES OF THE LOWER LIMB Pages: 59-61 Popenko N. V., Loginova I. O. Psychological support and quality of life of patients after reconstructive surgery on the arteries of the lower limb. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 59-61. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-59-61 Authors Popenko Natalya Valerijevna Candidate of psychological sciences, senior lecturer, Clinical psychology and psychotherapy department; Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Address: 1, Partizan Zheleznyak street, Krasnoyarsk, 660022; phone: +7 (391) 221 91 45; E-mai: Loginova Irina Olegovna PhD Psychology, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 1, Partizan Zheleznyak street, Krasnoyarsk, 660022; phone: +7 (391) 221 91 45; E-mai: Annotation The aim of the research. To study the quality of life of patients with critical limb ischemia, which have performed reconstructive surgery on the arteries. Materials and Methods. Quality of life was assessed with the SF-36 in patients before and after psychological support in the hospital. Results. It was revealed that the quality of life improved after comprehensive medical and psychological actions. Conclusion. Psychological support provides changes in the quality of life, favorable treatment outcome, adaptation in the social sphere. Keywords: quality of life, psychological support, critical limb ischemia Reference List: 1. Bryukhanova N.S, Antropova V.V. Tuberculous treatment medico-psychological support and its effect on the mental status of newly diagnosed patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis// Siberian medical review. 2011. № 6. C. 83-87. 2. Vardosanidze S.L., Jean A.K., Voskanyan Y.E, Gasparyan M.V. Quality of medical care and industrial technologies in the treatment of patients with critical ischemia of lower extremities // Kuban medical herald. 2007. № 4-5. P. 39-41. 3. Vasilyeva I.A. Identity and life quality of patients: is there a connection? //Proceedings of the Russian state pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. 2008. № 81. P. 217. 4. Dobrotina N.A., Veselov A.P. Modern science about the health and life quality (educational aspects) // Herald of the Nizhniy Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky. Series: innova¬tions in education. 2003. № 1. P. 234-239. 5. Zhivarev G.A, Kolbasov Y.N., Glybin P.G. Risk Factors in the treatment of patients with critical ischemia of lower extremities // Ivanovo medical Academy herald. 2006.Vol. 1, № 1 3-4. P. 63-67. 6. Malakhov Y.S, Batrakov V.A, Averianov D.A., Ivanov A.V. Second reconstructive surgery in the treatment of critical lower limb ischemia // Herald of the National medical-surgical center named. N. I. Pirogova. 2010. Vol. 5, № 3. P. 72-78. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24487 Popova E.A., Korzhechenko E.G., Tarakanova E., Popova E.A. THE USE OF INOTROPIC DRUGS IN INTENSIVE CARE OF PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ETHANOL POISONING Pages: 62-65 Popova E. A., Korzhechenko E. G., Tarakanova E. V., Popova E. A. The use of inotropic drugs in intensive care of patients with acute ethanol poisoning. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 62-65. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-62-65 Authors Popova E. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Korzhechenko E. G. ; Lesosibirskaya inter-district hospital of № 1; Tarakanova E.V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Popova E. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. To analyze the results of treatment of patients with severe ethanol poisoning on standard scheme of intensive therapy, on the basis of the analysis of indicators the consciousness and respiratory system to assess the feasibility of treatment with Tserakson (Citicoline) in patients with severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol. Materials and Methods. Clinical observations and studies were conducted in 32 reanimation patients with severe poisoning with ethanol (ethanol content in the blood plasma not less than 2,5 %0) in 17 patients with the complex treatment was additionally included Tserakson (Citicoline) in a dose of 1000 mg during 1-3 days. Results. Optimization of the central brain activity with Tserakson in patients poisoning by ethanol allowed to maintain SpO2 within the physiological range (98,0-98,6%). Conclusion. The duration of treatment was reduced in 1.8 times, the total number of complications decreased at 11.5%. Keywords: acute ethanol poisoning, intensive care, toxicology Reference List: 1. Afanasyev V.V.Rubitel L.T., Afanasyev A.V. Acute intoxication by ethyl alcohol. Operative guide - St. Petersburg, Intermedika, 2001. 156 p. 2. Bonitenko Yu.Yu. Acute poisonings by ethanol and by its substitutes. St. Petersburg: ELBI- St. Petersburg, 2005. 224 p. 3.Likhterman L.B. Citicoline in the treatment of the traumatic defeats of brain. Consilium medicum. 2010.Vol. 12, № 9. P. 105-110. 4. Guide on the ambulance. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007. 816 p. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24487 Filimonova E.S., Tarasenko S.L., Dykhno Y.A., Khlebnicova F.B. EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY THE CYTOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MALIGNANT LUNG NEOPLASMS Pages: 65-69 Filimonova E. S., Tarasenko S. L., Dykhno Yu. A., Khlebnicova F. B. Evaluation of efficiency the cytological diagnosis of malignant lung neoplasms. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 65-69. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-65-69 Authors Filimonova E. S. ; A branch of the Siberian Clinical Center FMBA Russia Clinical Hospital № 42, Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory; Tarasenko S. L. ; A branch of the Siberian Clinical Center FMBA Russia Clinical Hospital № 42, Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory; Dykhno Yu. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Khlebnicova F. B. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. To evaluate the effectiveness of sputum cytology and bronchial washings from patients with non-tumor broncho-pulmonary diseases, as well as informativeness of the method in the diagnosis of cancer recurrence. Materials and Methods. Were analyzed the results of sputum cytology and bronchial wash water obtained from 72 patients of KB number 42. The resulting material was fixed with May-Grunwald dye and stained by Romanovsky. Effectiveness of cytology was evaluated by method of comparing the obtained cytology conclusion with the results of routine histology. Results. During cytology exam were obtained results of high efficiency (88.8%) and significant (95.7%), which exhibit sufficient effectiveness of cytology method. Conclusion. The results obtained clearly demonstrate that for increasing the efficiency of diagnosis of lung malignancies, clinicians should use the possibilities of this method of morphological studies. Keywords: lung cancer, cytology Reference List: 1. Malignancies in Russia in 2011 (morbidity and mortality) / Ed. V.I. Chissov, V.V. Starinskiy, G.V. Petrova. M.: FGBI MNIOI named after P.A. Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, 2013. 289 p. 2. Kolomeitseva A.A., Gagarin I.M., Mochalnikova V.V., Mazurenko N.N., Gorbunova V.A. Effectiveness of inhibitors of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in patients with advanced NSCLC // Review of RCRC named after N.N. Blokhin. 2011. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 42-47. 3. Mukeriya A.F., Zaridze D.G. Epidemiology and prevention of lung cancer // Review of RCRC named after N.N. Blokhin. 2010. Vol. 21, № 3. P. 3-13. 4. Oncology service organization in Russia (guidelines for doctors) Part 2 / Ed. V.I. Chissov, V.V. Starinskiy, B.N. Kovaleva. M.: FGBI MNIOI named after P.A. Herzen Russian Medical Technologies, 2007. 663 p. 5. Pathology: manual / Ed. M.A. Paltsev, V.S. Paukov, E.G. Ulumbekova. M.: GEOTAR-MED, 2002. 955 p. 6. Shapiro N.A. Cytological diagnosis of lung diseases.Vol. 2. Color Atlas. M.: Reprocenter M, 2005. 208 p. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24463 Yakovleva A.A., Mordyk A.V. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT THE FALLOPIAN TUBE STATE IN DIAGNOSTICS OF GENITALIA TUBERCULOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH INFERTILITY Pages: 70-75 Yakovleva A. A., Mordyk A. V. Methods of assessment the fallopian tube state in diagnostics of genitalia tuberculosis in patients with infertility. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 70-75. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-70-75 Authors Yakovleva A. A. ; Clinical antitubercular clinic № 4, Omsk state medical academy; Mordyk Anna Vladimirovna Dr.Med.Sc, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Phthisiology and Phthisiosurgery; Omsk State Medical University; Annotation It was conducted the analysis of Russian and foreign literature sources to study the results of the instrumental methods of examination the tubal status in patients with genital tuberculosis and infertility. According to the analysis it was found that hysterosalpingography remains the first line of research method to determin tactics for tubal peritoneal infertility patients with infertility and infertility, also one of the main methods for the diagnosis of genitalia tuberculosis. However, patients referred to the high-risk group by the presence of tubal pathology, is recommended laparoscopia with visual inspection of the abdominal cavity for pathognomonic signs of tuberculosis, and taking material for bacteriological, histological studies and for PCR to M. tuberculosis. Keywords: genital tuberculosis, infertility, diagnosis Reference List: 1. Fruitless marriage. Modern approaches to diagnostics and treatment: [management] / edition: G. T. Sukhikh, T. A. Nazarenko. M.: GEOTAR-media, 2010. 774 p. 2. Possibilities of a gisterosalpingografiya and laparoscopy in forecasting of approach of independent pregnancy / H.R. Verhoeve, S.F.P.J. Coppus, J.W. van der Steeg, P. Steures, P.G.A. Hompes, P. Bourdrez, P.M.M. Bossuyt, F. van der Veen, B.W.J. Mol // Reproduction Problems. 2011. № 1 (19). P. 40-49. 3. Extra pulmonary tuberculosis / Under the editorship of Vasilyev A.V. SPb. :IKF «Volume», 2000. 568 p. 4. Gynecology: National management. Under the editorship of. V. 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High prevalence of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome in genital tuberculosis // Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 2007.Vol. 99, № 1. P. 62-63. 31. Sharma J. B., Roy K., Pushparaj M. Gupta N, Jain SK, Malhotra N, Mittal S. Genital tuberculosis: an important cause of Asherman's syndrome in India // Arch. Gynaecology. Obstet. 2008. Vol. 277, № 1. P. 37-41. 32. Sharma J. B., Roy K., Pushparaj M. Kumar S, Malhotra N, Mittal S. Laparoscopic findings in female genital tuberculosis // Arch. Gynaecol. Obstet. 2008. Vol. 278, № 4.P. 359-364. 33. Socolov D., Boian I., Boicules L. Comparison of the pain experienced by infertile women undergoing hysterosalpingo contrast sonography or radiographic hysterosalpingography // Int. J. Gynecol. Obstet. 2010. Vol. 111, № 3. Р. 256-259. 34. Tanahatoe S., Lambalk C.B., Hompes PGA. The role of laparascopy in intrauterine insemination:a prospective randomized reallocation study // Hum. Repord. 2005. Vol. 20. P. 3225-3230. 35. Thangappah R.B. Evaluating PCR, culture & histopathology in the diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis // Indian J Med Res. 2011. Vol. 134, № 1. Р. 40-46. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24452 Shcherbak V.A., Khamina N.A., Shcherbak . DIATHESIS AND ANOMALIES OF CONSTITUTION IN CHILDREN Pages: 75-79 Shcherbak V. A., Khamina N. A., Shcherbak N. M. Diathesis and anomalies of constitution in children. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 75-79. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-75-79 Authors Shcherbak V. A. ; Chita State Medical Academy; Khamina N. A. ; Chita State Medical Academy; Shcherbak ; Chita State Medical Academy; Annotation The article discusses the questions of susceptibility of children to noninfectious diseases. Currently diathesis is understood as the groups of states predisposing to disease with polygenic nature of inheritance. Anomalies of the constitution -age-specific dysfunction of maturation, overstrained in certain systems. Data on the risk of developing diseases in children and adults on the basis of genetic predisposition are important for preventive medicine. Warning of the pathology in high-risk groups is possible through a balanced diet, avoiding harmful habits and physical exercises. Keywords: children, predisposition, anomalies of constitution, diathesis Reference List: 1. Vein A.M. Vegetative disorders. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment. M.: Medical Information Agency, 2000.752 p. 2. Veltischev Yu.E. Inherited predisposition to disease, diathesis and border states in children // Pediatrics.1984. № 12. P. 3-9. 3. Vorontsov I.M. Allergic diathesis in children // Pediatrics. 1985. № 12. P. 63-68. 4. Ilyenkova N.A., Mazur Yu.E. The prevalence of tobacco use among children and teenagers: analysis of the influence the smoking to the health of the younger generation // Current Pediatrics. 2011. Vol. 10, № 5. P. 5-9. 5. Neudakhin E.V., Chemodanov V.V. To discussion about the human constitution, constitutional types and diathesis // Pediatrics. 2005. № 5. P. 60-67. 6. Rapoport J.J. Clinical examination and risk factors // Clinical examination and risk factors in pediatrics. Digest of scientific papers. Krasnoyarsk, 1986. P. 5-12. 7. Sergeev Yu.S. Constitution of human, constitutional types, anomalies of the constitution and diathesis in children // Pediatrics. 2005. № 5. P. 67-71. 8. Shabalov N.P. Diathesis and anomalies of the constitution as a pediatric problem // Pediatrics. 2005. № 5. P. 72-76. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24438 Sokolovskaya M.V., Zamiralova E.V., Buyankina R.G. SELF- EVALUATION AS A TOOL OF IMPROVING THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION Pages: 80-84 Sokolovskaya M. B., Zamiralova E. V., Buyankina R. G. Self-evaluation as a tool of improving the quality management system of educational organization. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 80-84. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-80-84 Authors Sokolovskaya Marina Vladimirovna the Teacher of the highest gualification category, the Specialist in QMS of Quality Management Department; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Zamiralova Elena Vladimirovna Cand.Ec.Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Management Quality and Economy of Mathematical Methods, the Head Deputy of Quality Quarantee Department; Siberian State Technological University; Buyankina Rimma Gennadievna Cand.Med.Sc, Associate Professor of Department of Dentistry Clinics, Institute of Post-diploma Education and Advanced Training, the Head of Quality Management Department; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The aim of the research. To use self-evaluation as a tool to improve the quality management system (QMS) in the College of Pharmacy. Materials and Methods. Were used ISO 9000 standards and self-evaluation models. For the purpose of the research were used the following methods: self-evaluation, questioning, method of expert estimates, ranking comparison. Results. Were identified strengths and weaknesses in QMC of the College of Pharmacy, prepared recommendations for the im¬provement and further development of the educational organization activities. Conclusion. The used self-assessment models on ISO 9000 standards are effective tools for the continuous development of the QMS in the educational organization. The work done has practical application for improvement of activity in the College of Pharmacy. Keywords: self-evaluation, quality management system, educational organization, ISO 9000 standards Reference List: 1. GOST R ISO 9004-2010. Management for achievement of steady success of the organization. Approach on the basis of quality management. Publisher: M. Standartinform. 2011. 40 p. 2. GOST ISO 9001-2011. Quality management system. Requirements, - Publisher: M. Standartinform. 2012. 36 p. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24462 Belousova T.V., Anmut S.I., Plyushkin V.A. ASEPTIC CEREBRAL VENOUS THROMBOSIS IN NEWBORNS WITH INHERITED THROMBOPHILIA Pages: 84-88 Belousova T. V., Anmut S. Ia., Plyushkin V. A. Aseptic cerebral venous thrombosis in newborns with inherited thrombophilia. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 84-88. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-84-88 Authors Belousova T. V. ; Novosibirsk State Medical University; Anmut S. Ia. ; Novosibirsk State Medical University; Plyushkin V. A. ; Novosibirsk State Medical University; Annotation This article describes the case of sinus thrombosis in a newborn child that has developed due to hereditary thrombophilia -mutation of the hemostatic system gene - FVLeiden, homozygous carriers of the polymorphic gene variants PAI-1, heterozygous carrier polymorphic variant of the gene MTHFR. In the study of the hemostatic system it was identified hypo coagulation in the internal mechanism of blood clotting, that was caused by incorrect use of existing blood sampling (Vacutainer) in children in this age. Keywords: inherited thrombophilia, newborn, sinus thrombosis, gene polymorphism, Leiden mutation Reference List: 1. Bokeria L.A., Bokeria O.L., Samsonova N.N., Liadov K.V., Lemaeva I.V. Genetic risk factors for thrombophilic states // Clinical physiology of blood circulation. 2008. № 2. P. 69-72. 2. Makatsaria A.D., Bitsadze V.O., Akinshina S.V. Thrombosis and thromboembolism in obstetric clinic: molecular genetic mechanisms and strategy for the prevention of thromboembolic complications. Guide for physicians.M.: Med. Inform. Agency, 2007. 1064 p. 3. Momot A.P., Tsyvkina L.P., Serdyuk G.V., Mamaev A.N., Taranenko I.A. Evolution of the Z.S. Barkagan theory about hematogenic thrombophilia // Barkaganovsk Readings: Materials of III Siberian scientific conference of hematologists.Barnaul, 2010. P. 16-40. 4. Momot A.P. Pathology of hemostasis: principles and algorithms for clinical laboratory diagnostics. St. Petersburg: FormaT, 2006. 208 p. 5. Serov V.N., Pasman N.M., Sturov V.G., Drobinskaya A.N. Inherited and acquired thrombophilic states in obstetric practice: (clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment tactics, approaches to therapy): a guide for physicians. Novosibirsk, 2011.180 p. 6. Chuprova A.V., Loskutova S.A., Anmut S.Ya., Sturov V.G. Hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases and syndromes in children: diagnosis and therapy: Study guide. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. 234 p. 7. Andrew M. Developmental hemostasis: relevance to he-mostatic problems during childhood // Seminars in Thrombosis a. Haemostasis. 1995. Vol. 21, № 4. P. 341-353. 8. Kersbergen K.J., Groenendaal F., Benders M.J., de Vries L.S. Neonatal cerebral sinovenous thrombosis: neuroimag-ing and long-term follow-up // J. Child Neurol. 2011.Vol. 26, № 9. P. 1111-1120. 9. Pinjala R.K., Reddy L.R., Nihar R.P., Praveen G.V., Sand-eep M. Thrombophilia - how far and how much to investigate? // Indian J. Surg. 2012. Vol. 74, № 2.P. 157-162. 10. 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Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24452 Shishkina E.V., Bobrov L.V., Kolesnikova I.V., Denisova G.V., Shepeleva S.S. CLINICAL CASE OF ISCHEMIC STROKE IN A CHILD Pages: 88-90 Shishkina E. V., BobrovL. V., Kolesnikova I. V., Denisova G. V., Shepeleva S. S. Clinical case of ischemic stroke in a child. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 88-90. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-88-90 Authors Shishkina E. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Bobrov L. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Kolesnikova I. V. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Denisova G. V. ; Krasnoyarsk regional clinical children's hospital of Russia; Shepeleva S. S. ; Krasnoyarsk regional clinical children's hospital of Russia; Annotation Is described a clinical case of ischemic stroke in a child of 7years old. Are detailed the changes identified in neuroimaging studies, the survey data of the cardiovascular system and hemostasis system. Is presented an analysis of the gene polymorphism of the coagulation system with the identified changes that led to cardiovascular disease, type thromboembolism. Keywords: ischemic stroke, children, thrombophilia with MTHFR deficit Reference List: 1. Zykov V.P., Komarova I.B., Cherkasov V.G., Stepanischev I.L., Ushakova L.V., Cherkasov V.G. Diagnosis and treatment of stroke in children: Study guide. 2nd ed. M.: Publishing House Optima, 2008. 61 p. 2. Narodova V.V., Chernykh T.V., Narodov A.A., Pozdnyakova M.N. Clinical polymorphism of cerebral venous thrombosis // Journal. Siberian medical review. 2010.№ 2. P. 87-91. 3. Caldvel R.L. Strokes and congenital heart disease in infants and children // Semin. Cerebrovasc. Dis. Stroke. 2009. Vol. 3, № 4. P. 200-206. 4. Hartman A.L., Lunney K.M., Serena I.E. Pediatric Stroke: do clinical factors predict delays in presentation? // J. Pediatr. 2009. Vol. 154. P. 727-732. 5. Kirkham F.J. Stroce and cerebrovascular disease in childhood // Curr. Paediatr. 2003. Vol. 13. P. 350-359. 6. Kitron A., de Veber G. Therapeutic approaches and advances in pediatric stroke // NevroRx. 2006.Vol. 3. P. 133-142. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24441 Goncharova S.I., Shnayder N.A. EXPERIENCE OF KINESIOTHERAPY IN HEREDITARY NEUROPATHY CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH Pages: 91-97 Goncharova S. I., Shnayder N. A. Experience of kinesiotherapy in hereditary neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 91-97. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-91-97 Authors Goncharova Svetlana Ivanovna Neurologist University Clinic; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Shnayder Natalya Alekseevna MD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Medical Genetics and Clinical Neurophysiology of Institute of Postgraduate Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; 660022, г. Красноярск, ул. Партизана Железняка, д. 1; тел.: 8(391) 2212449; e-mail: Annotation This article presents the basic principles of kinesiotherapy at NNSHMT, current approach to organization of therapeutic physical training, recommendations on training mode, and the main types of exercises that used in this disease. Here are given the definitions of rehabilitation and habilitation, therapeutic physical training and kinesiotherapy. Keywords: hereditary neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, habilitation, therapeutic physical training, kinesiotherapy Reference List: 1. Glushchenko E.V. 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[Electronic recourse] Access mode: Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24513 Galaktionova M.Y., Maiseenko D.A., Savel'eva E.A. ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY IN KRASNOYARSK STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER PROF. V.F. VOINO-YASENETSKY Pages: 97-100 Galaktionova M. Yu., Maiseenko D. A., Savel'eva E. A. Organization of volunteer activity in Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V. F. Voino- Yasenetsky. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 97-100. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-97-100 Authors Galaktionova Marina Yurievna Doctor of Medical Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Outpatient Propedeutics of Children Diseases; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Maiseenko Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Cand.Med.Sc, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Institute of Post-Diploma Education; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Savel'eva E. A. ; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; kitenok8@ Annotation The paper presents the organization and work of the volunteers in the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky. Keywords: volunteering, students, KrasSMU Reference List: 1. Artyukhov I.P., Samotesov P.A., Nikulina S. Yu. The state and perspectives of educational work in academy // Siberian medical review. 2007. № 4. P. 108-111. 2. Goncharova A.S., Yarunina T.E., Nasybullina G.M. Volunteer services for students, doctors and public health system / System integration in public health system.2011. Vol. 14, № 4. P. 33-38. 3. Zachinyaeva E.F. Professional volunteer services for the development of professional identity of specialists // Vector of science of Togliatti state university. Series: Pedagogics, psychology. 2011. № 3. P. 134-137. 4. Ivanova L.A. Volunteer services will be included in legal environment // Ryazan bulletin. 2013. № 15. P. 1-2. 5. Kudrinskaya L.A. Voluntary work: substance, functions, specificity // Social researchers: scientific and political journal.2006. № 5. P. 15-22. Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24461 Martinova G. P. Enterovirus (nepolio) infection in children. Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 100-106. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-100-106 Authors Martynova Galina Petrovna Professor of the Department of Childhood Infectious Diseases; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Annotation The lecture presents the etiology and epidemiology of enterovirus infections, as well as the clinical forms of the disease. Are reflected musculoskeletal diagnostic criteria (epidemiological, clinical and laboratory) of enterovirus infection, treatment guidelines, as well as prevention and clinical supervision tactics. Keywords: enterovirus, infection, chiIdren, cIinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention Reference List: 1. Amvros'ev T.V. Laboratory diagnostics of enterovirus infection // J. microbiology, epidemiology and immunology. 2004.№ 3. P. 58-62. 2. Lobzin Yu. V., Skripchenko N.V., Murina E.A. Enterovirus infection: guidelines. SPb.: NIIDI, 2012. 432 p. 3. LobzinYu. V., SkripchenkoN.V., IvanovG.P. Vil'nitsA.A., GorelikE. Yu. Viral encephalitis in children: study guide. SPb.: N-L, 2011. 48 p. 4. 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Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24432 Gorbach N.A. REVIEW OF DISSERTATION TOPICS THAT WERE SUBMITTED IN 2013 BY THE COMMITTEE OF DISSERTATION DEFENSE D 208.037.03 IN SPECIALTY 14.02.03 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE AND SPECIALTY 01.14.14 - DENTISTRY Pages: 106-108 Gorbach N. A. Review of dissertation topics that were submitted in 2013 by the committee of dissertation defense D 208.037.03 in specialty 14.02.03 -Public health and health CARE and specialty 01.14.14 - Dentistry. Siberian medical review. 2014; № 3: 106-108.. Authors Gorbach N. A. Dr.Med.Sc, Professor; Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24434 Shtarik S.Y. REVIEW OF DISSERTATION TOPICS THAT WERE SUBMITTED IN 2013 BY THE COMMITTEE OF DISSERTATION DEFENSE FOR THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE OF SCIENCE, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE D 208.037.01 IN SPECIALTY 14.01.08 - PEDIATRICS Pages: 109-114 Shtarik S. YU. Review of dissertation topics that were submitted in 2013 by the committee of dissertation defense D 208.037.01 in specialty 14.01.08 -pediatrics. Siberian medical review. 2014; № 3: 109-114.. Authors Shtarik S. Yu. Dr. Med. Sci.,Professor; Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University; Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24431 Kurtasova L.M. REVIEWS OF MONOGRAPHS A. A. SAVCHENKO, D. E. ZDZITOVETSKY, A. G. BORISOV «IMMUNOMETABOLIC DISORDERS IN WIDESPREAD PURULENT PERITONITIS» (NOVOSIBIRSK, NAUKA, 2013. 142 P.) Pages: 114-116 Kurtasova L. M. Reviews of monographs A. A. Savchenko, D. E. Zdzitovetsky, A. G. Borisov "Immunometabolic disorders in widespread purulent peritonitis" (Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2013. 142 p.). Siberian Medical Review. 2014; 3: 114-116. (In Rus.). DOI 10.20333/25000136-2014-3-114-116 Authors Kurtasova Lyudmila Mikhailoma Dr.Med.Sc, Professor, Department of Clinical Immunology; Krasnoyrask State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky; Comments Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 10 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_query(): (42S02/1146): Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 53 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 33 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /home/var/www/mirror/site/ on line 39 Table 'site57.sys_comment' doesn't exist Visits: 24436 |
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