Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
ISSN 1819-9496 (Print) | ISSN 2500-0136 (Online)


The text format of the manuscript. The text should be typed in Times New Roman font, size - 12 pt, line spacing - 1.5 pt. Indents on each side of the page are 2 cm. Allocations in the text are allowed ONLY in italics or in semi-bold, but NOT with underlines.
To download the manuscript to the site, the author prepares the following documents in separate files:

  1. The text of the article (including tables)
  2. Title page
  3. Cover letter
  4. Figures.

It is unacceptable to use unfair textual borrowing and assigning research results that do not protect the authors of the submitted manuscript. To check the article for originality one can do with the help of services, (for Russian-language texts) and (for English texts).
In order to ensure the quality of published materials and the observance of copyright, all articles arriving at the editorial office of the journal are checked for plagiarism (the availability of borrowings) through the Antiplagiat.VUZ system and only after that are sent for peer review.

Articles containing less than 70% of the unique text are not published in the journal. The editorial board does not welcome the excessive number of citations, even if properly designed. The permissible volume of citations established by the editors is not more than 30% of the total volume of the article.
The papers, have published in other publications or have sent to the other editions can not be directed to the Editorial Staff.

1. The UDC index is placed in the upper left corner of the file.

2. The title of the article is located at the top center of the page, printed by capital letters, in semi-bold, Times New Roman, 14 pt, single line spacing, maximum length of three lines, no more than 12 words, without unusual abbreviations. At the end of the title the point is not set. It is issued in Russian and English (Russian translation is not required for articles in English).

3. The abstract is a part of the main manuscript file. The abstract should not repeat the text of the article (you can not take sentences from an article and transfer them to a resume), as well as its title. It should not contain tables, text footnotes. The abstract should set out the essential facts of the work, and should not contain material that is missing in the article itself. In the text of the abstract should be used the syntactic structures inherent in the language of scientific and technical documents, avoid complex grammatical constructions. The text of the abstract should be laconic, clear, with persuasive phrases, lack of background information. Depending on the selected section of the journal, there are:

3.1. Structured abstract (1500-2000 characters):

3.2 Unstructured abstract (400-800 characters depending on the section - see "Selecting a section"):

The title «Abstract» in an unstructured abstract is written from a new line without an indent insemi-bold, italic 12 pt, in the end the point is put.
Abstract. Теxt.
It is pointed out that this document bears the new in itself in comparison with others related to the topic and purpose.

4. Keywords contain 6-8 words and phrases, express the main semantic content of the article, serve as a guide for the reader. Are posted after the abstract, in Russian and English. Should reflect the discipline (the field of science, within the framework of which the article is written), the topic, the purpose, the object of research.
When publishing keywords through the site, you must select the "Keywords" option, write words / phrases separated by commas.

5. The text of the article. The structure of the original scientific article (the text of the remaining sections may not be structured):
Introduction- sets goals and objectives, gives a critical assessment of literature.
Materials and methods - a detailed description of the work.
Discussion and results - an explanation of the results is given and their significance is shown.
Conclusion - the main conclusions are drawn.

The title of the sections of the article is bolded in Times New Roman, 12 pt, in the center without a dot.

The text is printed on an A4 sheet, the font size is 12 pt, the interval between the lines is 1.5, the margins are 2 cm from all sides.

When processing material, the system of SI units is used, the % character is put in a space from the number, the value of p is written with a comma: p <0,0001; the value of n is written with a small letter (n = 20); signs>, <, ±, =, +, - with numerical values are written without a space; the meaning of "year" or "years" is drawn up - 2014 or 2002-2014.

The article must be carefully verified by the author (s). Responsibility for the correctness of citations, doses and other factual materials are borne by the authors.

All published materials are reviewed by a statistician and must comply with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals." Ann Intern Med. 1997; 126: 36-47. In the preparation of the statistical part of the work, it is recommended to use special guidelines, for example, the European Cardiology Journal: Statistical methods are described in detail in the section '' Materials and Methods ''.

Mathematical formulas.
Mathematical equations should be represented as editable text, and not as images. Simple formulas should be written to a string in plain text, where possible, using the slash (/) character, instead of a horizontal line for small fractional expressions, for example, X / Y. Variables should be expressed in italics. The powers of e are better denoted as exp. Equations located separately from the text (if this is clearly indicated in the text) should be numbered in order. The formulas are centered. The number is indicated on the right side of the sheet (in parentheses). The upper and lower symbols must be clearly legible. In formulas, fractional numbers, there should be a comma, and not a point (for example, 0,5). Formulas must be typed in the built-in formula editor MS Word (Equation 3.0) or in the editor Math Type 4.0.

Making graphs, schemes, tables and figures

It should be formatted as editable text, and not as images. For each table, a reference should be provided next to the corresponding text in the article.

The tables should be illustrative, corresponding to the content of the graph. All figures, total and percent data in the tables are to be carefully verified by the author and should match the figures in the text.

Tables should be sequentially numbered according to their appearance in the text. All notes are placed under the tables. The data presented in the tables should not repeat the results described elsewhere in the article. When building a table, vertical rulers should be avoided.

All table names and captions following them, should be repeated by English varient.

The table number (for example, Table 2) is indicated on the right side of the page, on the next line in the center its name is written in semi-bold, single interval. If the table in the text is one, then the table number is not written.

The dimensions of the indicators and the form of the data representation (M ± m; M ± SD; Me; Mo; percents, etc.) should be clearly indicated in the tables. All figures, totals and percentages must be carefully verified, and also correspond to their mention in the text.

Explanatory notes are provided below the table if necessary.

The footnotes should be listed in the following order: *, †, §, ||, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Abbreviations should be listed in the footnote below the table in alphabetical order. Each first mention of a picture or table in the text is highlighted with a yellow marker. If a reference to a drawing or table is included in the sentence, the full spelling of the word is used - '' figure 1 '', '' table 1 ''; if the words are enclosed in parentheses, a reduction is used - (Fig. 1), (Tab. 1).

Drawings (photographs, graphs, diagrams, schemes, draughts and other illustrations) should be clear, in black and white format. Each image is presented in a separate file. For each of the drawings, a reference is required in the text.

The names of the graphs and drawings, as well as notes to them, should be placed under the drawing / graph (in the form of editable text, not the picture) or they should be placed in a separate file.

These files are indicated as additional files. Figures should not repeat the materials of the tables.

Times New Roman font should be used in the image.

The images in the text should be numbered sequentially.

Each drawing is to be accompanied by a short Russian and English legend, which along with drawing indications, should be sufficient for understanding the information, presented in the figure, without reading the text of the article.

All the drawings should be original. Publication of borrowed drawings is possible only with the consent of the right holders.

For detailed instructions on submitting electronic graphics, see:

Attention: it is necessary to send acceptable black-and-white versions of all coloured images as well, as there may be certain technical difficulties while converting coloured images into achromatic ones (for printed version: if coloured printing is not selected).

Photos of potentially recognizable people should be represented using the method of deidentification.

Electronic graphic images (photographs, screenshots) and other non-drawn illustrations.
Each image is presented in a separate file.
Detailed instructions for presenting electronic graphics images see:
Regardless of the application used, other than Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), after the creation of the electronic image, it should be converted to JPEG, JPG, PDF (300 dpi - 600 dpi). The graphics files must be a JPEG, JPG format with the correct allowance. The author should specify preferences for color image: in printed or only in electronic form. For more information on preparing an electronic graphic image, see:

Attention: it is necessary to send acceptable black-and-white versions of all color images in addition, as there may be certain technical difficulties in the process of converting color images to achromatic ones (for a printed version: if color printing is not selected).

Thankfulness (if any)
The authors can express their gratitude to the participants and / or organizations that contributed to the publication of the article in the journal, but are not its co-authors.

Information about sponsorship (if any). If necessary, the source of funding for both the scientific work and the publication process of the article (fund, commercial or state organization, private person, etc.) is indicated. The amount of funding is not required.